Sitcom films Page 3

Only Fools and Horses - Jolly Boys Outing was a classic feature lengh episode, if not a theatrical release.

Quote: bigfella @ September 14 2009, 1:35 PM BST

Kevin and Perry were in a sketch show and hence also does not qualify.

Which should have made it much more difficult even than a sitcom to make a 90 minute film.

I'm sure it's been mentioned on this thread before, but Rising Damp: The Movie was a good effort. It won a number of awards.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ September 14 2009, 1:43 PM BST

Only Fools and Horses - Jolly Boys Outing was a classic feature lengh episode, if not a theatrical release.

Strictly not a film, but my favourite episode of OFAH by far.

Quote: Jacob Loves Comedy @ September 14 2009, 2:07 PM BST

I'm sure it's been mentioned on this thread before, but Rising Damp: The Movie was a good effort. It won a number of awards.

Didn't they just cobble together some scripts from old TV episodes?

I've got it on DVD but I can never get into it. The absense of Alan/Richard Beckinsale is just too blaring for me and the film doesn't look right without him. It's slow to open out as well, and I still haven't managed to see it all the way through. Should really, as it was one of Rossiter's last projects, but it'll probably have to wait in the queue a while yet.

Quote: Timbo @ September 14 2009, 6:21 PM BST

Didn't they just cobble together some scripts from old TV episodes?

To some degree, yes, but it was done well and did make a coherent story.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ September 14 2009, 9:26 PM BST

The absense of Alan/Richard Beckinsale is just too blaring for me and the film doesn't look right without him.

It wouldn't have looked much better with him as he was a corpse by the time they shot it. I get what you're saying though, though I though Christopher Strauli did a pretty good job.

Just Googled him. I'm glad to find out that he's still alive (as I somehow worried that he might have died young as well).

Christopher Strauli's Homepage


EDIT: Notice he doesn't list 'Rising Damp: The Movie' on his c.v. Hmmm....?

EDIT 2: Oh yes he does!

He's said it's the worst professional experience he's ever had.

Quote: youngian @ September 14 2009, 1:58 PM BST

Which should have made it much more difficult even than a sitcom to make a 90 minute film.

Not at all. A sitcom film is showing a world we're already familiar with in its entirety. With K&P there were just a couple of characters. I've not actually seen the series they originate from, but I'm sure that their world was not as well explored, known or developed as Oil Drum Lane, for example.

Quote: Aaron @ September 15 2009, 12:25 AM BST

He's said it's the worst professional experience he's ever had.

Well he hasn't had too many to compare it to since...

Perhaps that's why. It put him off the industry for life! Or something.

Quote: Aaron @ September 15 2009, 12:27 AM BST

Not at all. A sitcom film is showing a world we're already familiar with in its entirety. With K&P there were just a couple of characters. I've not actually seen the series they originate from, but I'm sure that their world was not as well explored, known or developed as Oil Drum Lane, for example.

You've never watched Harry Enfield & Chums or Harry Enfield's Television Programme? The characters featured over both series. :O

Nope. They're a bit old for me.

I have Harry Enfield's Television Programme in my archive, but I've never got around to watching it.

:O = genuine astonishment. Makes me feel so darn old now as well. (To me, it's what I call a "recent" show). :(

Kevin & Perry Go Large fulfilled its purpose, but they were much more effective as short sketch characters. (Kathy Burke's performance as Perry is simply brilliant. Wish she'd start acting again in comedy rather than directing comedy Horne & Corden.)

Quote: Timbo @ September 14 2009, 6:21 PM BST

Didn't they just cobble together some scripts from old TV episodes?

I think quite a few did that - there's certainly a few Dad's Army gags that crop up in both.

You have to remember that this was at a time before video and incessant repeating. One of the reasons And Now for Something Completely Different by Python was made I suspect.

Quote: Tim Walker @ September 15 2009, 12:27 AM BST

Well he hasn't had too many to compare it to since...

I've spoken to Chris Strauli before and he said Leonard Rossiter "made life a misery" for him on set as he constantly wanted him to play the role like Richard Beckinsale.

What, in a box?