Exam Results

I was at work when they were being given out but I let my mate read mine out and I got an E in business studies... So I can take that assistant managers job at Spar anytime I want!

How did everyone else do?

My brother dun gud.

I got an A in business, sociology and psychology and a C in general studies. A complete shock to my teachers who were all expecting nothing above a C >_<

I never sat any exams so I congratulate you all for even showing up, well done.


I got ABC but that was er 3 years ago.

The trouble with this country is that it is run by people who think exams are the be-all and end-all of everything. Far more important is the ability to communicate effectively and whilst doing so, to be able to hold the weapon steady as you stuff the wads into the bag.

Note to police officers/pc brigade etc - that was a joke - albeit in poor taste and I do not want to go to prison for inciting violent robbery please. (thanks)

Laughing out loud You can't incite people to carry out violent robbery. Trust me I've tried.

Note to police-Go eat you doughnuts :D

Did you hear about the trainee chef whose exam was to prepare and eat a dish for the red arrows during one of their routines? He passed everything with flying colours.

Laughing out loud Did you hear the one about Gary Glitter's Biology Physical? He passed with A minor

Did you hear about the trainee honey collector? He passed with a bee.

Current A level gradings:

A = Average
B = Below average
C = Crap (equivalent)
D = Dunce
E = Ex-full frontal lobotomy patient
F = Feckin' dead

Quote: Frankie Rage @ August 17, 2007, 10:05 AM

F = Feckin' dead Footballer

Good - thanks!

Quote: paul watson @ August 16, 2007, 8:39 PM

I was at work when they were being given out but I let my mate read mine out and I got an E in business studies... So I can take that assistant managers job at Spar anytime I want!

How did everyone else do?

How did everyone else do?

You mean I've been talking to children on here? Teary