BSG German class Page 7

Quote: ian_w @ September 17 2008, 11:33 PM BST

Miss Finckelgrüber, what is the purpose of ja, in a sentence like "Ach Ian, dein Pimmel ist ja riesig!"

Also, what does that sentence mean? I heard it a lot while in Germany but didn't understand!

When else do you use ja in this sense? I asked my cousin once and he told me to forget it and just try not to use it, but if it sounds more natural I want to at least try to grasp it.

Das ist ja alles reiner Unsinn...

Warum? :S


Quote: Gavin @ September 20 2008, 9:39 PM BST


Strumblen gumble!!!!!!

Quote: ian_w @ September 20 2008, 9:31 PM BST

Warum? :S

Vielleicht sollst du ein paar Deutschstunden nehmen ....? Dann waere alles klar.

Jolanta, ich habe keine Ahnung, was du meinst. Du kannst es mir gerne erklären. Man lernt ja nie aus!

Quote: Finck @ September 17 2008, 8:26 PM BST

Die zauberhafte Aura von Laura. :)

Oder: Lauras zauberhafte Aura.

Can I steal that for my sig?

Quote: Charly @ September 21 2008, 2:16 PM BST

Can I steal that for my sig?

Aaron owns the copyright to that one. You'll have to ask him. :)

Edit: Too late. I recommend Tommy Power for legal representation. ;)

Too late! Moohahahahaha!

'Tis quite alright. As long as you appease the Great One. :)

Quote: Aaron @ September 21 2008, 3:30 PM BST

'Tis quite alright. As long as you appease the Great One. :)

A thousand thanks, O high priest Brown. :)

My German teacher Miss Maher always liked me because I was good at the pronunciation of German words. However I learned bugger all about the language. Notwithstanding, I'll attempt to write a sentence in German which I'd love you to translate. Here goes...

Hi. Ich heisse Lee. Meine wienerschnitzel ist sehr gut. Es ist sehr, sehr kleine, unt sehr haslich. Meine vater ist eine prostituierte und meine mutti geruch wie ein Landstreicher. Ja. Oh ja, ja. Meine schwester ist eine grosse pumpernickel. Ja.

Laughing out loud

*eagerly awaits translation*

Quote: Aaron @ September 22 2008, 12:00 AM BST

Laughing out loud

Whistling nnocently :) care to have a stab at translating Aaron?