Race. Society. Prejudice. PC. Page 14

Quote: sootyj @ March 2, 2008, 3:51 PM

I call mine G W bush, as in I'm pissing in GWB, or giving him a pound of jobbies


Again end your post with a dig....I'm possibly the oldest on here too.
Let me explain my generation and perhaps you may have some understanding.
I was four before I saw a black person that would be around 1945. My mother and her friend pointed him out to me saying...'oh look a black man' At four I was just curious about why he was black.
Through primary school and grammar school not one black face was in sight but by then some were employed on the buses. My mother once said to a neighbour that she cringed when taking change off them as she couldn't stand to touch the black skin. Dreadful isn't it but it was ignorance as we all were then. Now karma has a dead cert way of what goes round comes around and some years later my sister married a black Trinidadian.
All those years and perhaps up to the past couple, I have had no real thoughts about any other race/creed, i've just got on with my life.
banning of xmas stuff etc really deeply hurt and shocked me and I began to take notice, then there's the several demonstrations of...kill the infidels, we will have the Islam black flag flying over parliament etc etc. This didn't do my thinking any good.
I am still not concerned with the many races here. What pisses me off is that one section of our society never stops f**king griping and demanding. Shut the f**k up or go back to a country that suits your needs.
The overcrowding is causing stress on services too.
I have to go now I'm off to some friends, be back later with some more of why I am like I am :D

Quote: zooo @ March 2, 2008, 3:31 PM

an emo epo?

Laughing out loud Epo works Aaron. I'll run it past my buddy next time I talk to him....and come to think of it...he is pretty emo!

Quote: Aaron @ March 2, 2008, 3:37 PM

You can tell it's a Yank article, can't you? I've never heard a toilet referred to as a bathroom anywhere but in the US (possibly Canada, Curt?). It's not a bathroom. It doesn't have a bath.

We call a bathroom the room in the house with a bathtub and a toilet. If you are at an establishment, bar, work ect..where there is no bathtub we call it washroom (because you can wash your hands there...and because we are a prudish lot who think toilet sounds foul).
But you'll hear people say bathroom here and there when referring to a room that only has toilets in it.

does count if you can swing a cat

Quote: bushbaby @ March 2, 2008, 3:54 PM

Again end your post with a dig....I'm possibly the oldest on here too.
Let me explain my generation and perhaps you may have some understanding.
I was four before I saw a black person that would be around 1945. My mother and her friend pointed him out to me saying...'oh look a black man' At four I was just curious about why he was black.
Through primary school and grammar school not one black face was in sight but by then some were employed on the buses. My mother once said to a neighbour that she cringed when taking change off them as she couldn't stand to touch the black skin. Dreadful isn't it but it was ignorance as we all were then. Now karma has a dead cert way of what goes round comes around and some years later my sister married a black Trinidadian.
All those years and perhaps up to the past couple, I have had no real thoughts about any other race/creed, i've just got on with my life.
banning of xmas stuff etc really deeply hurt and shocked me and I began to take notice, then there's the several demonstrations of...kill the infidels, we will have the Islam black flag flying over parliament etc etc. This didn't do my thinking any good.
I am still not concerned with the many races here. What pisses me off is that one section of our society never stops f**king griping and demanding. Shut the f**k up or go back to a country that suits your needs.
The overcrowding is causing stress on services too.
I have to go now I'm off to some friends, be back later with some more of why I am like I am :D

Understanding, of course, does not mean agreement. (I wasn't trying to be mean when I said your views were among the most extreme, either, BTW.)

Despite perceived differences, people are remarkably similar. They see the carry-ons of some people in our society and think everyone in that group behaves like that. See a nutter waging jihad on TV and become suspicious of all Muslims. Or just Asian-looking people with beards.

I remember in an earlier post you said that you joined a forum populated largely with British Muslims who told you to get lost and that white people were lager-swilling chavs.

Well, just as I can see where you're coming from, I can see where they're coming from too. If they live in the UK they will almost certainly see groups of rowdy teenagers wreaking havoc for at least two nights of the week if not more, in a pissed-up stupor. How must this look to teetotal people with strict religious faith? Is it any wonder if some of these people feel superior?

Of course they make the same mistake all people make, however prejudiced they are, in lumping everyone together based on their memorable observations of a few.

And it's not sufficient to say "if you don't like our culture (!) then go back to your own country". Such a statement is worth an essay on its own.

Right, my opinion for what it is worth, which is probably fook all.

Political correctness is an attack on free speech. It is 2 words that have been perpetrated by the lefties, in order to maintain a non offensive environment & show their wisdom & answers to be greater & more effective than any others. E.g. we are nicer people than you, thus we are greater.

We can throw PC around like a rag doll, on every subject under the sun. From abortion issues through to racism. However while 'Free speech' is still supposed to be available in this country, It is really not tolerated. PC is no better than a religion. It is a priest bearing down on you demanding how you should live.
I am a caring enough human to not walk up to someone in a wheelchair & call them a name, or dance infront of them shouting "Look at what the f**k I can do, I am better than you". There are people out there that will. They are nasty. End of. Nasty people like that are often thick & I would not associate with anyone like that. However, to stand up & make a joke, something I dont mean, it is merely fiction & as long as it is not said in the same way, ie (With malice) should be acceptable.

Now I will tell you my only experience of the old PC brigade.
Several years ago, after being told I could not have anymore children & going through IVF, during which I donated eggs, I became pregnant with my miracle baby. Sadly at almost 6 months pregnant, it was discovered that Billy had hydrocephalus & was severly brain damaged.(Or brain injured for al you pc peeps). I had to make a choice. The most horrific choice. Did I allow a child who on a scale of 1-10 in Brain injury, was classed as an 8-9 at best, to live or die. I spent a week researching the condition. I spoke to numerous doctors. I called a helpline & had a cracking conversation with someone who told me near the end of th call, that she had the condition. Sadly the difference was, my baby had developed it from the begining and only had a tiny percent of the brain he should have. Anyway after much thought I decided to end my pregnancy. I gave birth to my beautiful son, thus I ended his life.
Now in order to cope & live with my decision I joined a forum. Many of them were lovely. However the anti abortionists & PC Brigade trailed the site. Then the hate emails & phonecalls started. I was called a murderer & a bitch, sent horrific photo’s etc. Apparently I killed my baby because he was not perfect. They did not care that several doctors had told me he may not live anyway & that if he did he could spend 40 years in hospital. I chose to not put my son through this. My baby, my decision, my life affected. Had my baby had a milder brain injury, no arms, legs, was blind, deaf, could have had a reasonable quality of life,I would have kept him forever.
Anyway I had a tough old time with both Anti- abortionists & the PC Brigade.
Also I risk it now happening again, by putting it up on here. This time though I will be ready.

So what I am saying, is that even in the so called PC world,. Nasty people use it to hide & bully behind. PC is not necessary all good. It is a religion, with a priest, who if you do not conform you are wrong & you will go to hell. I hate religion, but I love people. Of all types. That makes me normal & caring I think.

That's tragic.
I think we'd have arrived at the same decision were we put in that awful place.
In what way were your tormentors members of the "PC brigade"?

I would not call them tormentors, I would say Arseholes.
The PC Brigade were not the same as the Anti Abortionists. They just informed me of how brain injured people can have some quality of life while refusing to accept that there are different variations on 'Brain Injury' They were no way near as abrupt but offered me a pointless "Look at what you could have won".

Still you have different types of the PC Brigade. The ones who step in when needed, the ones who step in regardless.

Anti-abortionists are fools of the highest order. As are animal-rights types.

I am, of course, referring to the militant factions. Having an opinion is a different thing entirely, and tolerable even if not agreed with.

Very true.

That was really sad Charley, I'm so sorry to hear that.
I think 'Arseholes' is a bit polite of you tbh. How f**king dare they? What utter pieces of shit.

You have my absolute sympathy in this, and I feel what you did took real courage. It saddens me that there will, always be people who will slake their repulsive need to bully others under any cloak of convenience. Be it religion, or obsessive right on attitudes.

Sorry for what you went through. Personally I worked with too many people who die at age 16, having never known a days, peace, or comfort. Their parents ghoulishly hammered, with oh but look at how he looks at you with a smile. In your place I'd have made the same choice.

The desire to think, and live for other people is never right. I suppose right on attitudes, like so many other things, are good only when controlled and well intentioned. Sadly that is rarely the case.

The cases last year of 4 people with Learning Disabilties living in the community living in the community, murdered by their so called friends. How many people supporting them, felt to scared to say they couldn't cope. Or for that matter, kids killed by parents they should never have been returned to.

Or kids snatched away to early, and to soon for a proactive adoption. Some times for something as trivial as the mother couldn't make a sandwich. It worries me, because in my work, it can feel like seeing a train wreck down the line and having no brake.

It's all about respect, and it's all about us being human beings.

Charley I would have totally taken the same decision as you, I would have asked myself would I like to be born like that....no I wouldn't so why would I inflict it on a beloved offspring. You truly did the right thing/choice even though I do understand how devastating that choice would be.

Thanks all. I only gave an insight in order to make a point. I live every day knowing I would make the same choice again.
Anyway maybe a comedy forum is not the place for it, still It is part of me & even in those terrible circumstances, there was room for laughter.
Anyhoo, back to the question in hand.
To be aware of acceptable & non acceptable behaviour is one thing. To be too demonstrative is another. I am all for equal rights. Just not ridiculous nit picking. Which I fear is the case in many situations.

Quote: James Williams @ March 2, 2008, 4:06 PM

Understanding, of course, does not mean agreement. (I wasn't trying to be mean when I said your views were among the most extreme, either, BTW.)

Despite perceived differences, people are remarkably similar. They see the carry-ons of some people in our society and think everyone in that group behaves like that. See a nutter waging jihad on TV and become suspicious of all Muslims. Or just Asian-looking people with beards.

I remember in an earlier post you said that you joined a forum populated largely with British Muslims who told you to get lost and that white people were lager-swilling chavs.

Well, just as I can see where you're coming from, I can see where they're coming from too. If they live in the UK they will almost certainly see groups of rowdy teenagers wreaking havoc for at least two nights of the week if not more, in a pissed-up stupor. How must this look to teetotal people with strict religious faith? Is it any wonder if some of these people feel superior?

Of course they make the same mistake all people make, however prejudiced they are, in lumping everyone together based on their memorable observations of a few.

And it's not sufficient to say "if you don't like our culture (!) then go back to your own country". Such a statement is worth an essay on its own.

You see where they are coming from too. Yes well they chose to come here knowing we are a set of 'chavs' drunkards, mini skirted irriligious yobs...why come then? I would never in a million years move to a middle eastern country, not even democratic Israel because I love Britain, well maybe as it was. Even if I did emigrate to Iraq, there is noooooooooo way I would border on criticising their way of life or how they run the country and I would certainly not demand that British rules should be brought in parallel to theirs i.e. as in shiare law. I would even go as far as wearing a headscarf to fit in and not to offend.
I would certainly not stand in the street burning the Islam flag nor demonstrate with plaquards saying kill all muslims, we will have the union jack flying in this country etc etc.
Nothing is ever heard of the other races/creeds that live here, they all just get on with their lives, one doesn't know they're here. That's my gripe, the one moaning f**king section should shut the f**k up and everyone would be happy