What are you watching on TV? Page 2,000

It wouldn't be so bad if they hadn't (presumably?) CGId his bum to be so enormous, and put him in such fugly shorts.

Different shorts and/or different bum would have been fine.

Its a cut and shut,that's a mans top and a ladys bottom
Actually quite sexy
I mean you can drink beer with the top half and talk about war or football and share dirty jokes
Whilst shagging the bottom half

Laughing out loud


Quote: lofthouse @ 9th February 2015, 10:46 PM GMT

Laughing out loud


I'd prefer it the other way round
That way I could talk to the lady top half about frocks and make up and periods
And I could give the blokes half a reach around

Good grief Lofty have you stopped taking the cold baths again?

Australian version of I'm a celebrity. On Thursday night our own version of gogglebox starts. From the few bits I've seen of the Uk version and the promos for the local version, it looks like they tried to find similar 'characters'

The Avengers.

Quote: sootyj @ 9th February 2015, 10:19 PM GMT

Its a cut and shut,that's a mans top and a ladys bottom
Actually quite sexy
I mean you can drink beer with the top half and talk about war or football and share dirty jokes
Whilst shagging the bottom half

Yes, been waiting--- ' Does that chat line ever work'?? Pleased

Quote: dellas @ 11th February 2015, 6:36 AM GMT

Yes, been waiting--- '

Does that chat line ever work'?? Pleased

At a bus queue.....some times

depends on how long they've been waiting and how cold they are.

Great International Railway Journeys on BBC4...they're showing Basel!

Was Sybil there? Whistling nnocently


:D Now going to watch Count Arthur Strong from last night. :)

Bnagcock airport

one of those BBC3 shows where they just film a bunch of interesting people in an interesting place great fun

the captain of police is called Sootyporn

Seinfeld - the fix up

Just....just.....completely brilliant