Yes, Prime Minister (2013)

As noted in our review, we feel this new format revival made a weak start, but with a noted improvement after the ad break and a big boost in quality again come episode 2. What did you make of the first episode?

Dunno, haven't got Gold. They should put it on Freeview, to increase their range.

Will try to see it at some point though.

That audience is doing my head in. And, it all seems so forced!

Haig was good. But felt the script was forced, epically when Humprey was avoiding the Euro questions.

I quite enjoyed it - although the set does look a bit tacky.

Didn't realise it was based on the stage play, until the closing titles, perhaps that had something to do with the stageyness.
Also surprised it was a BBC production, yet we were told on this website via a link that the BBC refused a full series without seeing a pilot. I'm confused!!!

Quote: Charlie Boy @ January 16 2013, 10:41 AM GMT

Also surprised it was a BBC production, yet we were told on this website via a link that the BBC refused a full series without seeing a pilot. I'm confused!!!

The name 'BBC' no longer represents one single cohesive organisation.

The BBC's production arms operate semi-separately from its broadcast arms.

It was the BBC's broadcast division - the channels, One to Four, themselves - who demanded a pilot. The BBC Worldwide-owned UKTV network then ordered the series, and being part of the Beeb family were able to commission the Comedy department to make it for them.

AFAIK it's the first time BBC Productions have ever made a programme NOT for a BBC branded channel.

Haven't watched it, very rarely watch Sky, prefer Freeview

Dont waste your time as it's not a patch on the original. Some things are best left untouched and not remade.

Just been reading Jonathan Lynn's account of how he found it "extraordinary" that the BBC asked for a pilot.

He's either extremely out of touch or extremely arrogant to suggest that the BBC should have commissioned a revival just like that after a 25 year absence.

A 25 year absence and a hugely popular, West End and nationally touring stage play, proving they're still more than competent writers? Yeah, very arrogant indeed...

A play and TV show are very different beasts. Lynn is nearly 70 and Jay over 80 and both have hardly made any TV comedy for years, it's not hard to see why the Beeb wanted a pilot and given how badly it's been received they made the right move.

This doesn't seem like a popular opinion, but I liked it quite a bit.

The highlight character for me was Haig and the highlight scene was part of the exchange between him and Claire.

Unfortunately, not a patch on the original cast!

Wow, I didn't manage to make it through to the end of episode one.

You can understand why the BBC passed on it.