Sitcom Trials Manchester 2011 - scripts invited Page 32

Quote: Declan @ July 6 2011, 12:18 PM BST

We'd like to congratulate Vince Stadon for winning The Sitcom Trials Manchester 2011.

Vince attended our Help! I've Written a Script workshop earlier this year, and gave us this feedback:

Cheers, Declan and Simon

Hello, sounds like an inside job...

Quote: RedZed333 @ July 6 2011, 1:21 PM BST

Hello, sounds like an inside job...

Er... how?

Well it was raining on that night if you remember Declan!

Quote: Marc P @ July 6 2011, 2:23 PM BST

Well it was raining on that night if you remember Declan!

What more proof do you need..!

You've got me there with your literal interpretations of common parlance.

Quote: Declan @ July 6 2011, 3:51 PM BST

You've got me there with your literal interpretations of common parlance.

You've got me there with your literal interpretations of coded language...

Can I just say the video clip of the Manchester Sitcom Trials is many times more popular than Sitcom Trials videos usually are? It's already had 209 viewings. Now that might not sound many, especially considering that the Scottish Falsetto Socks do Doctor Who vid I uploaded the day before is already on 766 views.


But the weird thing about Sitcom Trials videos is that they are, consistently, the most poorly viewed of any of the videos I upload. Looking at the 434 videos I've uploaded in the last 4 years, right at the bottom end of the pile there still lurk:

Sitcom Trials TV series ep 3.2 - 170 views (uploaded 2 years ago)
Sitcom Trials TV series ep 3.3 - 185 views (uploaded 2 years ago)
Sitcom Trials TV series ep 5.3 - 217 views (uploaded 3 years ago)
Sitcom Trials TV series ep 5.4 - 221 views (uploaded 3 years ago)
Sitcom Trials TV series ep 3.2 - 224 views (uploaded 2 years ago)
Sitcom Trials TV series ep 7.4 - 243 views (uploaded 4 years ago)
Sitcom Trials 09 Heat 3a - 250 views (Nov 09)

It's not until you get to the 2009 stage shows and the popular TV episodes that we start to get anything like worthwhile viewing figures:

Sitcom Trials TV series ep 6.2 - 930 views (uploaded 1 year ago)
Sitcom Trials TV series ep 2.2 - 1127 views (uploaded 4 years ago)
Sitcom Trials judges - 1504 (Dec 09)
Sitcom Trials Grand Final 09 - 1538 (Dec 09)
Justin Lee Collins in the Sitcom Trials - 1907 (1 year ago)
Tony Robinson in the Sitcom Trials - 1989 (4 years ago) Sitcom Trials TV series ep 2.1 - 2348 views (uploaded 4 years ago) Sitcom Trials TV series ep 7.1 - 2402 views (uploaded 2 years ago) Miranda Hart in The Sitcom Trials - 2894 (1 year ago) Sitcom Trials Edinburgh 2001 - 5960 (4 years ago)

So all I'm saying is, well done Manchester. People are watching you, let's see how those figures grow.

See all Sitcom Trials videos here.

Kev F

Good, it's not all about London then, we do get a life up here and it all happens :D and we don't all wear clogs and shawls.....well, not all of the time

Quote: Declan @ July 6 2011, 12:18 PM BST

We'd like to congratulate Vince Stadon for winning The Sitcom Trials Manchester 2011.

Vince attended our Help! I've Written a Script workshop earlier this year, and gave us this feedback:

"I now have a richer understanding of character, and character dynamics. The workshop taught me that sitcoms aren't really about funny lines being bandied about willy nilly, they're all about the relationships between the characters. And the richer and the more detailed and interesting the characters, the better the comedy. In all these areas I hope to improve, and it's thanks to the workshop that I now have this understanding."

As a special offer to you lucky people, we're offering two free tickets to the 5pm Sitcom Mission show this Monday 11 July for anyone who signs up for our script reading service. Details are here:

Cheers, Declan and Simon

Great stuff, now can Vince give us his 2nd and 3rd episode of his winning sitcom?

Quote: Kev F @ July 6 2011, 9:25 PM BST

So all I'm saying is, well done Manchester.

This would have been shorter.

"A great chance to see the trial and error of new writing in the sitcom genre."

The Manchester Sitcom Trials was reviewed by Large Manchester. Check it out.


"A great chance to see the trial and error of new writing in the sitcom genre.

Although the five performances felt like a bit of 'work in progress', the informal setting and intimate nature of the venue complimented the style.

The comedy centered around endless puns, which the audience met with laughs and some groans, but the enthusiasm of the host and house actors carried this well.

The audience were invited to contribute their own ideas for sitcoms in a mini competition, the star prize resulted in a felt tip pen (ha ha ha). This style of audience participation went down well and the atmosphere inside the small room was jovial and light hearted suiting the performance well.

The event was fast paced, timed well and executed almost seamlessly. There were a few problems with the music, but these were minor and added to the informal feel of the show.

The five sitcoms under the audiences scrutiny were good but not wholly inspiring. The actors brought life into what can be described as a radio-style read through of the material. The show was enjoyable to watch but not entirely memorable."

"Not wholly inspiring": straight on the writing CV that one!

Cheers Kev


Still, wasn't as bad as her review of Kev's Sock Puppet stuff...

Quote: evan rubivellian @ July 9 2011, 7:03 PM BST

Still, wasn't as bad as her review of Kev's Sock Puppet stuff...

I was hoping we weren't going to mention that! Yes, getting a very poor 2 stars from the same reviewer, the Scottish Falsetto Socks had their worst rating ever (though, as we say in Edinburgh, it read like a three).

And apart from the last line, I'd say this Sitcom Trials review reads very well too. The first line is certainly going on the posters.

And I know those video ratings I gave you earlier were a bit dull, but they remain significant. Since I wrote them, the Manchester Sitcom Trials video compilation has added more viewings and now has more viewers than 8 previous Sitcom Trials vids, dating back as long as 4 years. Something about has made folks want to watch it.

Kev F

PS: Lest we forget, it is not the worst review the Sitcom Trials has ever had

I think the reviewer was being a bit harsh, and didn't really understand the nature of the sitcom-trials--perhaps she was expecting a full staged performance of the entries. And the "endless puns"? Don't think any of the scripts were guilty of that.

Still, this is the profession we have chosen.

I wouldn't worry about it. You'll get far worse than that in this game!

People laughed and voted for all the scripts, that's all that matters

