Sitcom Trials Manchester 2011 - scripts invited Page 34

Go Vince!

Quote: swerytd @ September 30 2011, 9:19 AM BST

Your cat never told me that, during its spying reports to me!

Glad to see that winning the Sitcom Trials can lead to other things. Well done, Vince. Is it a full half-hour now?


Now I wish we had a dog instead!

The script is 47 pages, and there's an hour slot booked, so I'm thinking the performance will run to around 40 minutes. It's fast-paced farce, so it might be even shorter!

And yes, it's great that these competitions lead to other things, so they're well worth entering (as well as being fun to participate in).

Cheers for your support, Dan. Hope things are going well with you.

Quote: evan rubivellian @ September 30 2011, 6:27 PM BST

Go Vince!

Cheers! Come along and see the play. It has lots of stuff about pencils.

I would love to go and see it, as I would have liked to have gone to see the original Sitcom Trials performance, but I live too far away for it to be viable. Still, if I win the lottery...