General, General Thread Page 2,528

True. Poor old Mars.

Quote: Harridan @ November 18 2012, 11:28 PM GMT

I like Mars' soul patch.

Gingers have no soul.

Just got the news on and there's people talking about football like it matters, like it's something adults should be concerning their time with. They're saying things like "We should do well this season, things are picking up."

What? Who cares. I have no problem with people going to watch the football or even watching it on TV or even playing it, but outside that 90 minutes, who cares?

I hate this country sometimes.

Quote: Lee @ November 19 2012, 6:52 PM GMT

Just got the news on and there's people talking about football like it matters, like it's something adults should be concerning their time with. They're saying things like "We should do well this season, things are picking up."

What? Who cares. I have no problem with people going to watch the football or even watching it on TV or even playing it, but outside that 90 minutes, who cares?

I hate this country sometimes.

As David Mitchell says why do they say we as if they are actually playing, strange? Now cricket there's a real game!

Apropos of nothing...





It is funny though.

God knows what whoever wrote that would make of someone interpreting 'should've' as 'should of'.

Very good - the comma thing really annoys me actually.

Hmm. I think I sometimes use then when I mean than, however I don't use than when I mean then.
For some reason I have it in my head that the apostrophe after the s is used to to show ownership. Not sure why.

Quote: reds @ November 21 2012, 1:15 PM GMT

Hmm. I think I sometimes use then when I mean than, however I don't use than when I mean then.
For some reason I have it in my head that the apostrophe after the s is used to to show ownership. Not sure why.

Only if the word ends in an S.

Thus William's = belonging to William
Williams' = belonging to the Williams family.

Holy crap, this man is amazing.

(Sorry for yet another long picture.)


Wow, he is incredibly talented. I wonder how long they take him.

It would be cool to get him to repaint someone's doll collection and see if they noticed

It would be cool to get him to repaint someone's doll collection and see if they noticed

zooo, amazing photo.

(can you post a link to LARGE photos instead though)
