Larks Page 390

Snooze White and the Seven Dwarfs:-
Doze, Rumpy-Pumpy, Nappy, Sleepy (natch), Crashful, Snorey and Dopey-Eyed

Rip Van Helsing

Tom Snooze, after starring in Top Bunk went on to make Oblivion and Eyes Wide Shut.


Beverley Hills Mop

My Fairy Lady

The Emperor's New Cloths

Bullets Hoover Broadway

The Bleach

For Your Wash Only

Howard the Toilet Duck

Raiders of the Lost Mop

Cillit Cillit Bang Bang

Ghost Dusters

The Daz Singer

Germinator 3: Rise of the Washing Machines

The Hobrite: an unexpected Jobbie

Bond Films

Quantum of Soapsuds

You Only Wash Once

Dye Another Day

The Whirl is Hot Enough

Licence to Rinse

Marigold Glove Actually