The BCG bar. Page 30

Quote: Oldrocker @ August 16 2011, 12:06 AM BST

Don't worry.

Even DaButt hasn't got a gun accurate over 4000 miles !

Just stay away from the tap room window to be sure tho'.

He is probably in the correct country to "acquire" a nuclear missile in exchange for a quick lap dance.

Drinks are on me.
No spirits or shots though, I'm not made of pretend money.

I see we've got a few regulars in.
Just in time for the Bingo

All the 3's Marc P Thirty Three
2 & 6 Nat Wicks Twenty Six
3 & 4 Steven Birch Sixty Two

A slow screw against the wall please

oh and a drink too!!!






a pint of bitter please :(

Theses crisps are 6 years out of date, got fresh any pickled eggs?

You sound drunk already!

Pickle juice!

Will someone buy those last few packs of peanuts.
I want to see the colour of the girls Bikini.

Did someone order a Friday night Party on the BCG?

Looks like it's you and me kiddo, I'll have the Pinot Noir (a fiver from ASDA, bargain!)

Madam, you have forgotten the corkage...

;) Great lovin' the finger food, pass the Drambuie I want a shandy!

Madame Those are actually my fingers.
Shandy on the way

I thought the meet up was here.
Where is everyone?

Oh well.
Half a Guiness please

Service is a bit slow tonight, I only want a ginger ale.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ May 11 2012, 9:11 PM BST

I thought the meet up was here.
Where is everyone?
