I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,766

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 14th September 2015, 1:08 PM BST

So, some bare naked ladies ran on stage at a muslim conference in Paris with slogans written on their chests saying something like 'I am my own prophet'

The muslims dragged them off and kicked seven bells of shit out of them.

Did it get on the news? No, not a word...... I can only presume the entire media is frightened to death of reporting this.

How did you get to hear about it?

Quote: zooo @ 14th September 2015, 3:23 PM BST

Ooh, and Twitter says he's in favour of gay marriage. So might not be a total git then. Hurrah!

Will be interesting to see what happens there. Depending what you read, even he allowed his party a free vote their might not be enough yes votes to pass. At least by allowing it he would give it a chance.
Hopefully it would be a yes. Then they can change the words on the constitution and spend time on something not as easy to fix. Like how to help homeless, refugees or the health system.

Quote: zooo @ 14th September 2015, 3:23 PM BST

Ooh, and Twitter says he's in favour of gay marriage. So might not be a total git then. Hurrah!

So's Cameron... It is a bit like saying Hitler must have been a nice guy because he was a veggie.

Not quite the same, no!
But I see your point. :)

I do find it's generally a good shorthand way of judging whether someone's likely to be a twat though.
Anti-gay = an arsehole in every other way too. Pro-gay = probably a decent chap.
Purely in my experience, of course!

Appears as though The Nationals(who are in Government with the Liberals) have made him say hey won't change Abbots policies. so at the moment it looks like we aren't that much better off than we were yesterday.

It was nice to be in the 21st century for a bit.

By the way I won't be here in 2 weeks- under the everyone gets a turn policy it's my week to be Prime Minister. After that is my little relative. He is only four but I'm not sure anyone will notice.

Free sweets for all?

Quote: zooo @ 15th September 2015, 11:21 AM BST

Not quite the same, no!
But I see your point. :)

I do find it's generally a good shorthand way of judging whether someone's likely to be a twat though.
Anti-gay = an arsehole in every other way too. Pro-gay = probably a decent chap.
Purely in my experience, of course!

You do realise that you have branded all Moslems as arseholes? Islamaphobe!

If they're anti gay ones, yep!
There are Muslims (and Christians and etc, etc) who are both religious and not homophobic. So religion isn't an excuse in my opinion.

Quote: zooo @ 15th September 2015, 1:08 PM BST

Free sweets for all?

I will suggest it.

Quote: zooo @ 15th September 2015, 1:13 PM BST

If they're anti gay ones, yep!
There are Muslims (and Christians and etc, etc) who are both religious and not homophobic. So religion isn't an excuse in my opinion.

"Do you approach males among the worlds And leave what your Lord has created for you as mates? But you are a people transgressing."
--?Quran , Surah 26 (165-166)

I am not sure there is such a thing as a religious moslem who is not homophobic. Certainly all the moslems I know are, even the nice ones.

I'm sure there are some. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_in_Islam The others need to have a word with themselves.

One good thing about Tony Abbott was when that plane was shot down by Ukraine, he was the sole western leader who said that the families of those who were murdered should be told the truth about it very quickly.

But then everybody ignored him on that point for ever and they still haven't any clue what really happened.

British by background or not, I'd say international forces were at work in him going. He'd stepped out of line.

Jeremy Corbyn criticised for 'silence' during national anthem


I've got a long list of problems with Corbyn, but I don't see a problem with him not singing this, since it is at least consistent with his principles. In fact, while I wouldn't want him in power, this sort of thing is the reason why he's so suitable for opposition.

Then he goes outside and is filmed taking a lunch bag from Costas.

Thus giving free publicity to tax dodging c**ts, using a service of rememberance for free advertising.

Because he is an idiot.

Quote: Nogget @ 16th September 2015, 8:50 AM BST

Jeremy Corbyn criticised for 'silence' during national anthem

Could he be Wedgie-Benn's love child? Unimpressed