The Optimist. The Optimist (Enn Reitel)
The Optimist

The Optimist

  • TV sitcom
  • Channel 4
  • 1983 - 1985
  • 13 episodes (2 series)

Dialogue-free comedy series following one of life's error-prone eternal optimists. Stars Enn Reitel.

Episode menu

Series 2, Episode 4 - The Double

On his arrival at a plush London casino, The Optimist discovers that he has become an instant celebrity. What he doesn't know is that he is actually the identical double of the Boss who owns the club. After loving and losing his double's girlfriend, and winning and losing a million pounds on the tables, The Optimist has to work out how to make a safe escape.

Broadcast details

Thursday 3rd January 1985
Channel 4
30 minutes

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