Comic Roots. Copyright: BBC
Comic Roots

Comic Roots

  • TV documentary
  • BBC One
  • 1982 - 1983
  • 8 episodes (2 series)

Factual series in which a number of top comic names reveal their early lives and what made them so funny.

Episode menu

Series 2, Episode 3 - Alexei Sayle

Alexei Sayle was one of the founders of what has come to be known as 'alternative comedy'. His roots aren't in the traditional theatre but in the pubs and clubs more associated with the world of rock music.

Further details

Alexei Sayle was one of the founders of what has come to be known as 'alternative comedy'. His roots aren't in the traditional theatre but in the pubs and clubs more associated with the world of rock music.

He started drinking in Liverpool when he was 14. "I never had any trouble getting served 'cos I've looked like this since I was three." At 17 he exchanged the pints of the northern pubs for the 'G and Ts' of London clubs.

Alexei takes us on a memorable journey round the places which feed his imagination. We start at opening time and end ... well, in the early hours.

Broadcast details

Friday 26th August 1983
30 minutes

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