All Gas And Gaiters trivia

This was Robertson 'Bunny' Hare's first television series after 54 years in the theatre.

His catchphrase - Oh Calamity! - was often shouted at him by members of the public who had seen him in All Gas And Gaiters, but it originated in one of the many Ben Travers farces he played on the stage.

Source: Radio Times Feb 9th 1967

The name All Gas And Gaiters comes from two separate sources. In Dean Inge's autobiography he refers to The Church of England, what is it? All gas and gaiters! and it is also an exclamation in the 49th chapter of Charles Dickens's novel, Nicholas Nickleby.

Source: Sleeve notes by Andy Priestner for the All Gas And Gaiters DVD release

Originally most of the production team wanted to call the show Oh, Bishop but the writers vetoed that suggestion.

Source: Sleeve notes by Andy Priestner for the All Gas And Gaiters DVD release

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