British Comedy Guide

Joe Lycett to publish art book

Sunday 14th April 2024, 11:08am

Joe Lycett
  • Joe Lycett's Art Hole will be published in September
  • The book features the comedian's drawings of celebrities and "the salacious stories behind the portraits"
  • Lycett has also edited today's Observer New Review supplement (14th April), focusing it on Birmingham

Joe Lycett's Art Hole, a book featuring the comedian's drawings of celebrities and "the salacious stories behind the portraits", will be published this September.

Publishers Trapeze won the rights to publish the book via a "competitive eight way auction".

They explain: "Inside Joe Lycett's Art Hole you'll find his greatest artistic achievements and, for the first time, the salacious stories behind the portraits, some of them completely and utterly unbelievable.

"A collection of Joe Lycett's portraits of the world's most influential people including Eamonn Holmes and Mick Hucknall are presented in this stunningly designed book. Read how His Royal Highness Prince William, The Prince of Whales, sat for an exclusive portrait whilst extolling the virtues of the Phillips Air Fryer Series XXL Connected. Enjoy a never-before-seen portrait of Priti Patel, done in a break from her hobby as one of the United Kingdom's greatest fly-tippers. And delight in the gob-smacking story of then-Deputy Prime Minister Therese Coffey averting an international incident at Cadbury World.

"Joe Lycett's Art Hole is brimming with surprises, including an astonishing array of British cultural titans, such as Harry Styles, Robert Peston, Nadine Dorries and Elaine Paige. Stunningly designed, it is sure to delight, fascinate and perhaps even inspire you to pick up a paint brush, insert yourself at the heart of contemporary British public life, and do some absolutely wank paintings of celebs."

Joe Lycett says: "I'm delighted to finally be able to show my Art Hole to the world, and can't wait for the resulting inevitable aggressive legal letters."

Anna Valentine from Trapeze says: "As well as being one of the UK's best-loved comedians, Joe Lycett is a bonafide artist, so this book brings both strands of his oeuvre together for the first time. As brilliantly funny as it is stunningly designed, Joe Lycett's Art Hole will delight his fans and will be supported by a major headline-grabbing campaign this autumn."

Joe Lycett's Art Hole will be published on 26th September in hardback, audiobook and ebook formats. It's available to pre-order now.

Lycett edits The Observer

Joe Lycett art work for Sunday 14 April 2024 Observer New Review

To tie in with Series 2 of Late Night Lycett broadcasting on Channel 4 on Friday nights, Joe Lycett has also guest edited today's edition of Observer New Review, The Observer newspaper's Sunday supplement.

Lycett focuses on his home city of Birmingham in the special curated edition which includes features on politics, culture, comedy and gardening. The front cover (above) features has an original painting by the comedian depicting a bull, a nod to the city's famous Birmingham Bullring, with the words 'reduced to clear' making reference to recent cuts.

Features in the Observer New Review include:

- Q&A with comedian Munya Chawawa. Read online

- Katherine Ryan sharing her cultural highlights. Read online

- Stewart Lee writes about Birmingham's relationship with art. Read online

- Lycett interviews musician Robbie Williams about his first solo art exhibition, Pride and Self-Prejudice, currently in Amsterdam. Read online

- An insider's guide to Birmingham from food and drink recommendations to stage, music and visual arts. Read online

- A restaurant review, including his editor's letter. Read online

- An essay from journalist and cultural critic Nathalie Olah who reflects on the state of Birmingham since the council's city-wide cuts were announced last month.

- Plus, a green-fingered feature about the people and stories at Dads Lane Allotment in Moseley, celebrating the fact that Birmingham has the largest provision of allotments of any Local Authority in the UK. Read online

Joe Lycett says: "When I was asked to be the guest editor for this edition of the New Review I was astonished. 'What is that?' I said to my PR manager whilst pouring Black Tower Pinot Noir into empty Châteauneuf-du-Pape bottles. But then after my high-intensity prescription antihistamines kicked in, I agreed. My issue is all about my home town of Birmingham including an exclusive cover painted by me. Don't worry, things will be back to normal next week."

Jane Ferguson, editor of the Observer New Review, says: "It's been a real thrill to welcome Joe Lycett as guest editor of the Observer New Review. We hope that his infectious love of Birmingham, playful wit and fierce support of the arts in its many forms will be a treat for readers this Sunday. It's an unmissable edition that is distinctly Joe!"

Joe Lycett's Art Hole

Joe Lycett's Art Hole
By Joe Lycett

Joe Lycett is an incredibly right-wing commentator, comedian, television presenter, gardener, cage-fighter, Spectator columnist, fancy boy, bandit, pharmacist and knee-pain advocate. He is also a world-renowned portraitist, and some of the world's most influential and infamous people - Liz Truss, Eamonn Holmes, Mick Hucknall - have sat for him, keen to be immortalised through the medium of colour.

Inside Joe Lycett's Art Hole you'll find his greatest artistic achievements and, for the first time, the salacious stories behind the portraits, some of them completely and utterly unbelievable.

Read how His Royal Highness Prince William, The Prince of Whales, sat for an exclusive portrait whilst extolling the virtues of the Phillips Air Fryer Series XXL Connected, which has 16 different cooking functions including fry, bake, grill, roast, dehydrate, toast, defrost, reheat, ferment and more. Enjoy a never-before-seen portrait of Priti Patel, done in a break from her hobby as one of the United Kingdom's greatest fly-tippers. And delight in the gob-smacking story of then-Deputy Prime Minister Therese Coffey averting an international incident at Cadbury World.

Joe Lycett's Art Hole is brimming with surprises, including an astonishing array of British cultural titans, such as Harry Styles, Robert Peston, Nadine Dorries and Elaine Paige. Stunningly designed, it is sure to delight, fascinate and perhaps even inspire you to pick up a paint brush, insert yourself at the heart of contemporary British public life, and do some absolutely wank paintings of celebs.

First published: Thursday 26th September 2024

  • Publisher: Trapeze
  • Pages: 320
  • Catalogue: 9781398724921

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