Quiz 91

Alan Partridge, Never Mind The Buzzcocks and This Morning With Richard Not Judy are amongst the themes for this quiz.

1. Alan Partridge shouted which name repeatedly across a car park?

I'm Alan Partridge. Alan Partridge (Steve Coogan). Copyright: Talkback Productions

2. Who hosted the final series of Never Mind The Buzzcocks?

3. Which sitcom is this logo connected with?

Which show?

4. Which sitcom character is Arthur Bostrom best known for?

5. What time of day were most of the episodes of This Morning With Richard Not Judy broadcast?

This Morning With Richard Not Judy. Image shows from L to R: Richard Herring, Stewart Lee. Copyright: Avalon Television

6. Who has a son called Dax?

7. Who took part in the pilot episode of Walliams & Friend?

Walliams & Friend. David Walliams. Copyright: King Bert Productions

8. Who has played characters called Janet, Michelle, Brandy and Rudi?

9. What is the name of this W1A character?


10. Boswell is the surname of family at the centre of which sitcom...

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