Quiz 287

We begin 2024 with a taxing set of questions from Hercules Grytpype Thynne...

1. Who are Barry and Paul Elliott?

2. Who voiced Danger Mouse's assistant Penfold in the original TV series?

3. In Marion And Geoff, what was the job of Rob Brydon's character?

Marion And Geoff. Keith Barret (Rob Brydon)

4. LWT series The Glums, was a spin-off from what BBC radio series?

The Glums. Image shows from L to R: Eth (Patricia Brake), Pa Glum (Jimmy Edwards), Ron Glum (Ian Lavender). Copyright: London Weekend Television

5. Who wrote this book of funny anecdotes: Pigs Can Fly.

6. What was the name of the two folk singers portrayed by Vic & Bob?

Vic & Bob's Big Night Out. Image shows left to right: Vic Reeves, Bob Mortimer

7. Who played the father in Father Dear Father?

8. And who was the famous person the St Bernard dog was named after in Father Dear Father?

9. What tinned fruit did Lenny steal from the kitchen in Porridge episode Just Desserts (Series 2, Episode 1), to give to Fletcher, when the one Fletch had stolen was stolen!?

Porridge. Image shows from L to R: Fletcher (Ronnie Barker), Godber (Richard Beckinsale). Copyright: BBC

10. What is the name of the voluptuous assistant to Kenny Everett's cartoon character Captain Kremmen?

Captain Kremmen
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