Quiz 244

The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy started on the radio on 8th March 1978, so now seems a great time for a themed-quiz to celebrate the iconic show. Here's some questions written by Rhianna Evans.

1. How many of the six radio series were completed in the lifetime of Douglas Adams?

The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. Copyright: BBC / Above The Title Productions

2. Which of these is widely considered to be the rudest word/phrase in the galaxy?

3. Which Dad's Army legend voiced The Wise Old Bird in The Secondary Phase?

4. In the novel So Long and Thanks for All the Fish, Arthur finds his soul mate. She just so happens to be named after a famous London train/tube station. Which station was it?

The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

5. Which of the following actors has NOT voiced the book?

6. Douglas Adams made a posthumous appearance in the 2004 radio series. This was achieved by using his performance from his own audiobook recordings. But whom did he voice?

Douglas Adams

7. Which of these computers is NOT featured in any Hitchhiker's novel, radio series, TV or film adaptation?

8. On which month of the year does towel day fall?

The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Live. Image shows from L to R: Marvin the Paranoid Android (Stephen Moore), Trillian (Susan Sheridan), Zaphod Beeblebrox (Mark Wing-Davey), Arthur Dent (Simon Jones), Ford Prefect (Geoffrey McGivern)

9. They thought: 'Oh no, not again' as they fell, but what were the Petunias incased in?

10. What was God's final message to his creation?

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