British Comedy Guide
No Pressure To Be Funny. Image shows from L to R: Nick Revell, James O'Brien, Alistair Barrie

No Pressure To Be Funny: Series 9, Episode 1 (25th January 2015)

In this edition we cover the elections in Greece and the UK, comedians who get involved in politics, the limits of causing offence, social injustice in the Middle East, Davos, the Greens, the far-Right, sex and media-presentation, including a long and profound symposium on the aesthetics of the testicles. James O'Brien hosts, with Tiffany Stevenson, Rich Peppiatt, Helen Lewis, Bob Mills and music from Ben Norris.

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  • Published: 26th January 2015
  • Length: 93 mins
  • Size: 84.9mb

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