Press clippings Page 2

Will Franken explains his Defining The Norm Awards

The reason for the proliferation of the disparate and incorrect theories about the motivation behind the DTN Awards is as follows. To the average contemporary comedian whose limited outlook can only think in terms of careerist exposure or financial gain, the actual explanation, simple though it may be, is one that such business-minded sorts would never (and could never) consider: I did it because I wanted to do it.

Will Franken, Beyond The Joke, 27th September 2016

Defining the Norm winners announced

Will Franken reveals the winners of the first-ever Defining the Norm Awards.

Will Franken, Spiked, 31st August 2016

Laugh Out London's Edinburgh Fringe comedy awards 2016

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is almost over and it's award season already, so to misqoute the Sex Pistols nevermind the if.comeddies it's the Laugh Out London Edinburgh Fringe Comedy Awards 2016 (or LOLlies as they are affectionately known)!

Laugh Out London, 26th August 2016

The Defining the Norm Awards: the nominees

Comedian Will Franken honours the most conformist acts at the Edinburgh Fringe.

Will Franken, Spiked, 25th August 2016

I'm giving out awards for outstanding mediocrity

I'm celebrating not just the people who follow the rules, but the predatory agents and extortionate PR companies who have made comedy safe, both in the clubs and on the box, as well.

Will Franken, The Independent, 23rd August 2016

Ten most controversial acts at Edinburgh Fringe 2016

Comedy on TV and in the clubs is safe and inoffensive. Comedy at the Edinburgh Fringe is no different, because most of the shows don't exist for your benefit. They're being staged in the hopes of grabbing the attention of industry bigwigs and broadcasters. So, it makes sense to be as bland and agreeable as possible, because that's what the real target audience - i.e. people who can help your showbiz career - seem to be looking for. However, not everyone at the Fringe is pandering. Not everyone is desperate to be liked and accepted. And provocative performers haven't gone extinct just yet. If you want politically incorrect jokes, to be taken out of your comfort zone, or to hear someone challenge social orthodoxies, then here's ten acts I'd recommend you go and see at Edinburgh Fringe 2016. If you're a bit of a pussy, though, then best avoid all of these.

Jay Islaam, The Huffington Post, 9th August 2016

Introducing the Fringe awards for bland, safe comedy

Comedian Will Franken launches the Defining the Norm Awards.

Will Franken, Spiked, 5th August 2016

Kate Copstick's festival diary

A few weeks ago, I enjoyed a glorious afternoon in the company of Lady Colin Campbell, a fabulous woman whose show - A Cup Of Tea With Lady C - promises to be an unmitigated joy. But I should warn you the Lady makes the worst cup of tea I have ever had the misfortune to taste. The mug of the stuff she made me in her charming London home was tongue curlingly bad. She may have brought staff, but if you see her near the TyPhoo... you have been warned.

Kate Copstick, The Scotsman, 4th August 2016

50 must-see comedy shows at the Edinburgh Fringe (Link expired)

Here at WOW 247 we've pooled together our comedy brains to pick out a whopping 50 shows we think make a good starting point for any Fringe adventurer.

Matthew Dunne-Miles, Finlay Greig and Craig Leiper, WOW247, 2nd August 2016

Two new awards for Edinburgh Fringe

Two new awards have been annnounced for this year's Edinburgh Fringe, from Will Franken and Edinburgh Fringe Dog.

Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 22nd July 2016

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