Seann Walsh
Seann Walsh

Seann Walsh

  • 38 years old
  • English
  • Actor, writer, stand-up comedian and producer

Video clips

Never Mind The Buzzcocks - Backstage Buzzcocks - Seann Walsh and Noel

Seann Walshand Noel Fielding talk about looking forward to being on Never Mind The Buzzcocks, compare their jackets and playing games of charades called Never Mind The Buzz-Lightyear.

View this clip on the BBC website

Mock The Week - Unlikely Things For a Continuity Announcer To Say

Don't expect to hear these between the TV shows.

Mock The Week - Unlikely Lines from a Superhero Film

Don't expect these lines to come from the likes of the X-Men.

Mock The Week - Unlikely Things to Hear on a TV Talent Show

These won't be appearing on TV any time soon. Also features Seann Walsh doing an uncanny impression of Michael McIntyre.

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