Video clips

Mrs. Brown's Boys - Mrs Brown's Magnets

Mrs Brown has been given a magnet to help ease her rheumatism. The only issue is that this one is meant for horses, not humans...

Mrs. Brown's Boys - Mrs Brown's Family Mail

rs Brown reveals her feelings on post delivered to the Brown household. It's family mail that the family can open.

Mrs. Brown's Boys - Mrs Brown's Takeaway Order

We discover that Mrs Brown's Italian isn't up to scratch when she orders takeaway...

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Mrs. Brown's Boys - Mrs Brown's Interview

Agnes is asked to compare her life with her mothers in an interview with psychologist Professor Clowne.

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Mrs. Brown's Boys - Mrs Brown's Misunderstanding

Spartacus, the old family dog, is looking poorly. Reluctantly, the family decide the time has come to put her in a home. However, when the Brown children gather together to decide how to break the sad news to their mother, Agnes gets the wrong end of the stick.

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Mrs. Brown's Boys - Mrs Brown and the Remote Control

Winnie gets her arm stuck down the sofa whilst trying to retrieve the remote control. Agnes comes to the rescue, but the two are caught in a compromising position by Cathy and Clowne...

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