Helen Bauer
Helen Bauer

Helen Bauer

  • Actor, writer and stand-up comedian

Video clips

Loneliness Tutorial

A handy video for anyone getting into loneliness for the first time.

Fat Chat - Helen Bauer

Desiree and British comedian Helen Bauer lay it all out in the diner as they talk secret eating, a love affair with bread and how fat people would make excellent mass murderers.

Period Dramas - Helen Bauer & Rosie Jones

"My menstrual cup popped out at work". Helen Bauer and Rosie Jones discuss why menstrual cups and cerebral palsy don't mix and the time Helen thought she'd took her own virginity.

Mime Utopia

After the White Utopia village was reported there is now the revelation that other "utopia" villages being set up. Victoria Yorkshire investigates.

Phyllis - Episode Five

It's the grand finale, will everyone make it to the end? Or will they all die horribly? Who knows...

Phyllis - Episode Four

Phyllis has moved in with Greta and she's loving every minute of it. Unfortunately, Greta really isn't.

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