Video clips

Meat On A Stick infomercial

An infomercial for a top, top product called Meat on a Stick. Problem is, the presenter is a bit more concerned with explaining the virtues of the stick than the meat bit.

Peter And The Pan - Episode Four

So, the fire alarm is really mugging us off at the moment but no matter, we dealt this the old fashioned way: by filming the entire episode outside. Pan Fans, it's a barbecue ep!

Peter And The Pan - Episode Three

"Uncultured" and "pedestrian". That's what my troll has been saying! Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous? That's why I've made this episode. The culture episode! Grab yourself a glass of rose and enjoy!

Peter And The Pan - Episode Two

This week on the pan: Pickled Lettuce Vegetable Cups.

Peter and the Pan

Peter has recently unjustly lost his job so has decided to create a short web series to show himself that he can still make smart, inventive meals.


Are you one of those people who wish there were more adaptations of the hit 80s sitcom Cheers based in a Wetherspoons in 2019 Peckham? Wish no longer!

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