Random 8

Robin Morgan

Robin Morgan

One random comedian, eight random questions: it's the ultimate test of funny person and fate. This week's valiant valley boy is Robin Morgan - late of Cardiff, now in London - who got a big break on the Beeb's new-writer showcase Newsjack a few years back and now has all sorts going on. But who is he, really?

"Hello! I'm Robin! I've just got married! I overuse exclamation marks! Am I going on a honeymoon? Excellent question: no. But I am taking my new show Honeymoon on tour. My wife is very understanding."

Indeed, and his next date is at the Leicester Comedy Festival this very Saturday, if you're about.

"I've also written a radio sitcom called Relocation which is currently 'dropping' (being released week by week) on BBC Radio Wales. It stars Steve Speirs, Helen Monks and Clint Edwards, among many other wonderful people."

Sound. Robin Morgan, your Random 8 await:

Robin Morgan

Who was your first celebrity crush (and ever met them)?

Melinda Messenger when she presented Fort Boyard. On a walk back from school, my brother told my Mum I fancied her and I was so embarrassed I ran away and nearly got hit by a car. I've never met her but would still love to go on Fort Boyard.

What's your favourite shop?

One I have never been in, but is a few streets away from where I live: it does photocopying, is an estate agent, an accountant and sells fruit and veg outside. It's basically the Internet in a shop.

Is there a book or film that changed your life?

I saw Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in the cinema and there was an interval during it, and I've only just remembered this. What the fuck were they playing at?

What's the best thing you ever wrote?

Either my sitcom Relocation - now available on BBC Sounds - OR the song I wrote for my death metal band Black Despondency (yep) when I was 15, which was entitled Damaged. Absolute tune.

Ever gatecrashed anything interesting? Or boring?

I once rocked up to the book launch of CJ de Mooi from Eggheads, because I wanted to invite him to my Edinburgh show. He came, we went for a drink after, played chess in the pub and he beat me in NINE moves. Halcyon days.

What's the most interesting thing you've been bitten by?

A tortoise. I was taking photos of it for social media #content and I let my guard down.

Your most disastrous holiday?

Went interrailing around Europe 10 years ago this summer, had a lovely time but did get thrush.

What's the most regrettable thing you've ever bought?

Multiple pairs of camouflage cargo pants that I wore during my death metal phase. I wasn't even into it. Preferred the Killers.

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