Random 8

Harriet Dyer

Harriet Dyer. Copyright: Nigel Hillier

One random comedian, eight random questions; it's the ultimate test of funny person and fate. This week we're joined by Harriet Dyer, currently celebrating her tenth year as a pro comedian with a new podcast, Make Me Better, in which she tries self-improvement fads so you don't have to. With help.

"Me and comedian Louise Young are mental and dearly good pals," the Cornish comic explains. "We were going to do a podcast a year or so ago where we try to go off-grid (because the desire to do so is another thing we've bonded over) but we ended up stranded in the dark up a mountain during a terrible thunderstorm which was quite traumatic so after that we felt it might be best to stay within walls for future projects.

Make Me Better podcast

"Louise then thought of killing two birds with one stone, thus coming up with the idea of a podcast where we try things to make our brains less tempestuous on it."

Very wise. Any particular highlights, so far?

"Lots of people suggested we try Lion's Mane tablets which I thought were from an actual Lion's Mane but it's actually a type of mushroom that for some reason when taking it has made us need to cut our fingernails three times a week."

The new-improved (well, fingernails anyway) Dyer will soon pop up on Channel 4's Jokes Only A ... Can Tell, plus the new series of Comedy Central Live, and - actually live - "on April 11th I'm doing my show Trigger Warning at Soho Theatre."

Nailed it. Now Harriet Dyer, your Random 8 await.

Who was your childhood hero, real or fictional?

Julie Walters. I thought she was brilliant. dinnerladies was one of my favourite things growing up, and Billy Elliott - me and my mum went to see it in the cinema together, thought it was wonderful and danced all the way home!

When I left school, even though I'd never done comedy before, I applied for a job doing comedy on a cruise. At the audition it was a load of dancers covered in feathers and me. They asked us who our inspiration was and they all said Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, I said Julie Walters and they didn't even know who she was. I was outraged.

Which low-key law would you introduce?

If you leave used tea bags in the sink I will kill you.

What's the worst job you've ever had?

I worked in a greengrocer's when I was 15 and the boss used to make us wipe the mould off fruit. Also he'd shut down the produce lift preferring us to lug everything upstairs ourselves. One day I'd had enough so used the produce lift anyway but it ground to a halt with me in it and the fire brigade had to be called. They found me all bent up amongst crates of satsumas in this little tiny lift.

Then I worked at a cattle market in Cornwall where I had to direct cows and cars. There was a burger van too and once I was eating a burger whilst directing some cows and I think a cow might have smelt a relative because it started to bolt and ran into a Land Rover. In true Cornish style the owner of said Land Rover turned out to be my old primary school teacher.

Harriet Dyer

Ever met a particularly great or awful famous person?

I'm sure my mum mentioned that we were once in the same hotel as Ian Botham and he was a pompous arse.

Which historical figure should get more attention?

The Agojie, the all-female unit of warriors who protected the African Kingdom of Dahomey in the 1800s (it's who the film The Woman King is about). Couldn't believe I'd never heard anything about them before I saw the film and there was no-one in the cinema really other than us, I felt like the film didn't really get the attention it deserved and still so many people don't know about them. Legends indeed.

Your most embarrassing moment?

Once in front of a whole beach full of people a seagull flew into my head and knocked me unconscious.

What's the best thing you've ever bought a ticket for?

In Edinburgh last year me and Louise got tickets for Police Cops The Musical and it was daft and great and fun! I needed to switch off from stand-up person comedy so that was perfect.

Do you have a signature dance move?

The flailing salmon. Which might explain why the seagull was after me.

Make Me Better is available to download here: iTunes

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