British Comedy Guide

2023 Edinburgh Fringe

Rob Auton encounters a very drunk audience member

Thursday 10th August 2023, 6:07pm

Rob Auton. Copyright: Julian Ward

Alcohol is readily served at many Edinburgh venues, but it's rare to see anyone particularly drunk until the evening gigs. However, yesterday afternoon Rob Auton encountered a rather inebriated audience member.

He explained on social media what happened: "Just before I was about to go on stage in Edinburgh, a remarkably drunk for 2.25pm lady carrying a glass of wine and a pint took a wrong turn and came up the stairs to the backstage bit."

He then relayed the following conversation between them, starting with the drunk audience member:

"Are you Rob Auton?"

"Yes, I am just about to go on stage actually."

"Oh right, you are him yeah, who is doing the show? Can I have a selfie then?"

"Well I'm just about to walk on stage right now." (Intro voiceover plays) "Yep OK let's do it quick then..."

He then informed the lady to go through the curtain to get to her seat, as if she went back around the way she came she'd end up coming in late. So, rather than seeing the comedian they were expecting to walk on stage, the audience greeted a drunk woman.

Auton explained how it all ended: "I followed, and explained to the crowd what happened. She fell asleep after fifteen minutes... for the entire show."

We wonder if, once she'd sobered up, she posted that selfie on social media? Probably not. We guess she forgot she even met Rob.

If you're sober, you can see The Rob Auton Show yourself at Assembly Roxy at 2:25pm until the 26th August.

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