Edinburgh Fringe

Catherine Cohen on her past lives and a dream collab with Taylor Swift

Catherine Cohen. Credit: Evan Murphy

Catherine Cohen: from Hagrid to Taylor Swift via a healthy night's sleep...

Your show Come For Me explores various aspects of life in your thirties, online dating, and romanticising freezing eggs. Can you share a hilarious or memorable experience that inspired one of your songs or stand-up bits in the show?

During the darkest days of the pandemic I went to a "healer" who does "past life regression therapy". In this session we discovered that in my past life I was an ugly old lady who couldn't go to the town ball unless she baked a beautiful loaf of crusty bread. In another life I was Hagrid, but blonde. My only way to cope with these missives was through the medium of song, of course.

You also touch on the theme of finding your purpose. If you weren't a comedian and musician, what do you think you'd be doing instead?

I often fantasise about painting a large canvas in a decrepit barn while wearing oversized overalls and casually rocking a messy bun. I often long to move to the country and soak beans for a husband who knows how to wield an axe, but alas my star power is too strong, I'm simply meant to perform.

Catherine Cohen. Credit: Zack Dezon

If you had to describe your performance style in three words, what would they be?

Glamourous, raunchy, chaotic

What's your secret to staying fabulous and confident, even in the face of life's challenges?

Striving to always get 9 hours of sleep a night and 3 litres of water a day. <3

Lastly, if you could have a comedy duet or collaboration with any famous comedian or musician, who would you choose and why?

I do fancy myself the Taylor Swift of comedy so I'd love to connect with Tay on a personal and professional level.

And what do you think the title of your collaboration would be?

Two Perfect Women.

Published: Monday 24th July 2023

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