2016 Edinburgh Fringe

Kai Humphries: 10 Edinburgh Fringe questions

Kai Humphries

Kai Humphries answers 10 questions about his 2016 Edinburgh Fringe show.

Give us a quick overview of your comedy career so far. Are you happy with where you're at?

I started in 2008 and in a whirlwind of having fun found myself travelling around the world, from Australia to India and the Middle East, doing what I love, partying, and performing comedy too which is my other passion. When I got paid my first fee for a gig I surpassed my expectations of what I could achieve so every time I find myself performing at Glastonbury, or supporting Jim Jefferies or going on a European tour I see it as a bonus. With this outlook I will always be happy. I used to work in a factory packing lipsticks into boxes.

Tell us two truths and one lie about yourself.

1. I never take risks
2. I've been headfirst through a car window
3. I've been face down unconscious in the sea

Describe your new show in exactly 23 words.

One: Honest. Two: Fun. Three: Happy. Four: Intelligent. Five: Positive. Six: Rude. Seven: Charming. Eight: Hilarious. Nine: Uplifting. Ten: Risky. Eleven: Challenging. Twelve: Exciting. Thirteen: ?

Any cunning plans to get more punters in?

Yeah, I'm going to put down a Pokemon lure

What's your plan for trying to eat - and drink - healthily during the Fringe?

Before my gig I will be a health guru that only drinks water, eats spinach with every meal and avoids sugars completely. After my show I will be throwing beers and burgers around like I hate my doctor. This balance of polarities seems to work better for me than trying to sustain moderation.

What will you miss most while you're away from home?

I don't have a home, for almost a year I've been living on the road, mainly in hotel rooms, so I guess I'll miss the clean towels and bedding every day. I haven't got attached to a particular place, bricks and mortar mean nothing to me, and I'm not attached to any material things. People are home not places or things, and a lot of my people will be up here.

Aside from performing, what else are you looking forward to doing in Scotland's fine capital?

Being entertained. As much as I love performing I get a real thrill from watching shows and enjoying other peoples' creations. I'm really looking forward to being an audience member and being spoilt.

If you took over programming a Fringe venue, what would your perfect line-up of comedians be?

Mwahahaha... I have taken over programming; I have taken over the show Set-List which showcases the best comedians in the Fringe who put down their written material and freestyle their jokes around suggested topics which show up on the projector screen. I've booked it for the entire run with my Fringe favourites and I'll have the pleasure of hosting each show. Come see my perfect line-ups every single night at 10:30pm at the Gilded Balloon.

Name the one person you'd rather not bump into during the festival.


Why should audiences pick your show over the 1,800+ other Fringe offerings listed on BCG this year?


'Kai Humphries: In Full Colour' is at Gilded Balloon at 7:35pm on 3-28 Aug. Listing

Published: Thursday 11th August 2016

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