Best lines in a sitcom

Apologies if this thread already exists.

I was thinking about this and one of my favourite lines ever was in The Queen of Sheba at the funeral reception. It goes something like...

Wasn't she (Nana) amazing Barbra? She was alive right up to the end.

Apologies to anoraks everywhere but I haven't time to check it word for word now as I'm off to me good warm work.

Lol. Good stuff. I liked the bit where Dave is reading the book to Nana.

I'd say anything that Alan Partridge ever said in his sitcoms. But one of the favourites would be when Lynne asks Alan who's annoyed him and he says something like, "The general public".

This is so not the correct forum for this thread.


To tears?

Is there a different thread for this?

Well, there's this from Porridge. It's from the 1st episode and Fletcher's being examined by the Doctor.

"Fletcher, have you ever been a practising homosexual?"
"What, with these feet?"

Quote: hotzappa11 @ October 30 2008, 2:12 PM BST

Well, there's this from Porridge. It's from the 1st episode and Fletcher's being examined by the Doctor.

"Fletcher, have you ever been a practising homosexual?"
"What, with these feet?"

Yeah, but you have to go back a bit further in the scene, to fully appreciate that line.

Black Books:
Bernard: "What is your mother's maiden name?" What's her first name? I just knew her as "Ma"! That'll have to do.
[writing on the form]
Bernard: 'Ma. Possibly deceased'.

That little conversation just says so much about his character. So many good quotes from that show.

Although my favorite show to quote is still the Simpsons. I used to quote the show so much in my early teens that a group of friends actually sat me down to tell me that everything I said was a quote from the Simpsons and it was becoming embarrassing when meeting new people.

Quote: Curt @ October 30 2008, 8:46 PM BST

Although my favorite show to quote is still the Simpsons.

Yeah I'm stupid-stupid like a fox!

The best sitcom lines are the ones from C.J. in 'The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin'. :D

"I didn't get where I am today by having green frogs thrust down my crotch."

"I didn't get where I am today by wearing underpants decorated with Beethoven."

"I didn't get where I am today selling ice creams tasting of bookends, pumice stone, and West Germany."


Quote: Matthew Stott @ October 30 2008, 8:55 PM BST

Yeah I'm stupid-stupid like a fox!

So very cathartic. :)
When I hear someone quote Simpsons my brain usually says "I will probably get along well with this person". I think it's the only show that does that for me.

I've got a few good line in my sitcom. It'll be a dream come true, if I see people quoting them on forums like this, in the future.

Quote: Curt @ October 30 2008, 8:59 PM BST

So very cathartic. :)

I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman.

There's an episode of The Simpsons (I think with REM in it) where Homer says, with great conviction, "I will not save the rainforest!" that makes me laugh a great deal. Sometimes on the train.

Laughing out loud all so good. I just laughed out loud reading the rain forest one.
Here's one of my favorite:

"My Homer is not a communist. He may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a communist, but he is not a porn star".


"Well, he’s kind of had it in for me ever since I accidentally ran over his dog. Actually, replace ’accidentally’ with ’repeatedly’ and replace ’dog’ with ’son.’"

and this one is just for Aaron:

"Bonjour, you cheese-eating surrender-monkeys!"