British Comedy Guide

Ringo Starr, the crappest Beatle Page 3

I don't blame him for not wanting to sign stuff anymore. Must be a right pain in the arse. And what sort of loser derives pleasure from somebody's signature anyway?

I thought famous people hired staff to sign their memorabilia, no? Ringo should just do that.

Ironically, he appears in an episode of The Simpsons signing memorabilia. And if I remember rightly, he was snowed under then with a twenty year backlog.

Yes I used to get asked for my autograph when I was in bands. The pain though for me came when we loaded up the van after the gig and I found the autographs I'd signed trampled underfoot in the carpark.

Quote: chipolata @ October 14 2008, 12:09 PM BST

I don't blame him for not wanting to sign stuff anymore. Must be a right pain in the arse. And what sort of loser derives pleasure from somebody's signature anyway?

Fair comment. I was too big a Beatles fan to even think of asking for their autographs. Not that I ever got closer to them than about a mile. Not knowingly anyway.

Maybe he should do one more autogrpah for who ever kills Mark Chapman.

Just for the record, Pete Best still tours, he uses a second drummer to hide the fact that he's still as shit as ever!

The rest of the band did indeed want him replaced with Ringo, and rightly so.

Who saw that documentary on Stuart Sutcliffe on BBC, a couple months ago? I didn't know much about him. Very sad story....was a talented guy.....would've been bigger and more popular then Lennon they reckon, had he not died at 21. :|

I thought that Sutcliffe had little musical talent?

He was more of an ideas man, right? He was a good painter though, I believe.

Quote: Frankie Rage @ October 14 2008, 10:21 AM BST

And do you really think a band the calibre of The Beatles would have a crap drummer?

Well it does follow through.

Quote: Eat_My_Shirts @ October 14 2008, 12:55 PM BST

Who saw that documentary on Stuart Sutcliffe on BBC, a couple months ago? I didn't know much about him. Very sad story....was a talented guy.....would've been bigger and more popular then Lennon they reckon, had he not died at 21. :|

Have you seen the film Backbeat? Weirdly, it was based on a book written by this chap;

he was my teacher for a year when I was about nine. Very weird but brilliant teacher and fully encouraged me in forming a children's Sex Pistols tribute band called The Water Pistols and persuaded us to perform Anarchy in the UK in school assembly.

Has anybody seen the sketch show that the guys from little Britain did? It's called 'Rock Stars'. The Mark Lucas impersonation of Ringo Starr is amazing if a little offensive to some. But it's comedy though innit.

Had me in stitches, then I felt guilty laughing at it.

It's Rock Profile. And I wouldn't have called it a sketch show at all.

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Quote: sootyj @ October 14 2008, 12:43 PM BST

Maybe he should do one more autogrpah for who ever kills Mark Chapman.

Speaking of nutters who have had a go at trying to kill a Beatle, my sister actually saw that blonde bloke, who tried to kill George Harrison, the day before he broke into his mansion. He turned up to a personal appearance, that a young Atomic Kitten made, at one of the big department stores, in Liverpool city centre. They were sat behind a window, probably signing autographs, and my sister, who was walking past, said this bloke was off his tits, dancing, on the other side of the window, like Bez, from the Happy Mondays. When his picture was shown, on the news, a day or two later, my sister recognised him straight away, because of his massive mop of blonde hair, and the fact that they said he was a local nutter, from Liverpool.

Quote: catskillz @ October 14 2008, 1:45 PM BST

Speaking of nutters who have had a go at trying to kill a Beatle, my sister actually saw that blonde bloke, who tried to kill George Harrison, the day before he broke into his mansion. He turned up to a personal appearance, that a young Atomic Kitten made, at one of the big department stores, in Liverpool city centre. They were sat behind a window, probably signing autographs, and my sister, who was walking past, said this bloke was off his tits, dancing, on the other side of the window, like Bez, from the Happy Mondays. When his picture was shown, on the news, a day or two later, my sister recognised him straight away, because of his massive mop of blonde hair, and the fact that they said he was a local nutter, from Liverpool.

Was it Boris Johnson?

Oh no, you said he was from Liverpool...

Don't 'diss' the Bozza!

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