Status report Page 4,974

Don't buy anything on Amazon, let alone food.

In other news, the cat has gone to sleep at the base of my chair, with it's legs and tail right next to the wheels. One one roll from me and it's broken paws all round.

My cat used to do that. Now I have moved my desk so he can't.
[/bloody fascinating details about my life]

He's moved now. I purposefully tickled his massive stomach until he got sick of it and flounced off.

Quote: chipolata @ January 25 2013, 9:56 PM GMT

Don't buy anything on Amazon, let alone food.

In other news, the cat has gone to sleep at the base of my chair, with it's legs and tail right next to the wheels. One one roll from me and it's broken paws all round.

Didn't know you were in a wheelchair Chip...

Whistling nnocently Rolling eyes


The Bucket residence, Lady of the house speaking. Oh Hello dear. Richard, Richard... it's Sheridan... I was just telling your father... How much?

I wasn't going to post that but then I thought, fouquet.

Thought sleeping pills were supposed to make one sleep ?

Quote: Oldrocker @ January 26 2013, 3:21 AM GMT

Thought sleeping pills were supposed to make one sleep ?

If you combine them with a bottle whisky they'll surely do.

I appear to own a dog.




Call him Lofty


If he/she pure Westie?

Quote: billwill @ January 27 2013, 7:15 PM GMT

If he/she pure freddie Westie?

Depends if he keeps digging up the patio

Billwill fitted new Glow Plugs in his Tardis today.

Yes, really, honestly...

Quote: Lazzard @ January 27 2013, 12:00 PM GMT

I appear to own a dog.


Beyond cute.

Quote: billwill @ January 27 2013, 7:15 PM GMT

If he/she pure Westie?

He's called Paddy and he's a Bichon Frisee.
I now have the only gay dog in the village.