Status report Page 2,833

Quote: Nat Wicks @ October 5 2010, 4:56 PM BST

Being able to draw and being able to 'create art' are two different things!

Oooh they're pretty paintings.

The original of the Severn Bridge painting is on my wall in front of me behind my computer monitor.


Amazing paintings BillWill!

Quote: EllieJP @ October 5 2010, 5:06 PM BST

Amazing paintings BillWill!

Yes, I'm very proud of my Dad.

I must continue with the production of a DVD of as many of his paintings and drawings as we can photograph. I started it but shelved it some time ago.

Just walking home with the dog and my son and was rather-perturbed to hear a WW2 air raid siren start wailing in the distance. It lasted about 3 minutes. I've heard it before - I think it's the chemical works or something but my son looked a bit frightened which put the willies up me too. He's been studying the war at school and so knew what the noise was immediately.

What a horrible, ghostly sound it is.

After a quick Google it turns out there were quite a few siren types. The one I heard was this - a Carter Siren.

Freaky :S

They do it in the LNG plant down with us test the sirens. Every Wednesday. F**king annoying.

Do live on the LNG plant Gav?

not far off my friend.

Quote: Lee Henman @ October 5 2010, 7:16 PM BST

Just walking home with the dog and my son and was rather-perturbed to hear a WW2 air raid siren start wailing in the distance. It lasted about 3 minutes. I've heard it before - I think it's the chemical works or something but my son looked a bit frightened which put the willies up me too. He's been studying the war at school and so knew what the noise was immediately.

What a horrible, ghostly sound it is.

After a quick Google it turns out there were quite a few siren types. The one I heard was this - a Carter Siren.

They used to set them off all the time in Skeg. I always thought it was a flood warning, but someone told me it was something else. Can't remember what though. Errr


Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ October 5 2010, 9:26 PM BST


Hug Console Console

Fancy a Le chocolate finger?

I just want to feel like I can cope with all my stupid reading. :(

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ October 5 2010, 9:41 PM BST

I just want to feel like I can cope with all my stupid reading. :(

MMMM you want me to sing a confidence building song?


Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ October 5 2010, 9:45 PM BST


Laughing out loud
Finnne. I will message it to you to save my 'I don't care bout foo's' image here ;)