Bernie Mac dead Page 4

This is like when my dad insisted that Keanu Reeves couldn't possibly be famous, because he'd never heard of him.

I'd vaguely heard of him.

Then looked him up on Youtube and regretted not doing it earlier.

Is some one killing black US entertainers of a certain age?

Quote: zooo @ August 10 2008, 10:06 PM BST

This is like when my dad insisted that Keanu Reeves couldn't possibly be famous, because he'd never heard of him.


Reminds me, a few years ago my then girl friend was doing an installation at Manchester's G-Mex centre (she wasn't a geek, she used to work at the Barbican in London and then went freelance...)

And the 21-year old hospitality girl was moaning about how it looked like a boring gig that evening and that it was such a little-known artist she'd never heard of did they even have to bother to put him in the Green Room?

And she carried on complaining, "Well I mean, he's even got a boring name! I mean, well, have you ever heard of him? Someone called, oh I can't even remember, I think, someone called...James...Brown??"

Fame is relative.

The first thing I saw Bernie Mac in was a film called Who's The Man?, back in about 1993. He was quite funny in that, but he never really made me laugh in anything else he did. R.I.P. anyway.

US, London, Amsterdam your a well travelled bear.

Sounds fantastic.

Quote: sootyj @ August 10 2008, 10:16 PM BST

US, London, Amsterdam your a well travelled bear.

Sounds fantastic.

I've lived abroad a lot - I do have a flat very near London Bridge but I'm working abroad all this year.

Digress, digress.

Quote: Huge Bear @ August 10 2008, 10:21 PM BST

I've lived abroad a lot - I do have a flat very near London Bridge but I'm working abroad all this year.

Digress, digress.

Can I live there please?

Quote: Aaron @ August 10 2008, 10:30 PM BST

Can I live there please?

It's being renovated at present - pop in and have a look if you're nearby.

Quote: dingo @ August 10 2008, 10:05 PM BST

So fame is decided by whether or not YOU have heard of someone?

The OP had a link to a BBC story that mentioned the highlights of his career.

Here's the link again since you missed it:

Thanks for that link. I had read it before but none of it made a lasting impression on me.

Yeah, we'll all take turns looking after the place for you. :)

Just as a favour to you, of course.

Quote: Huge Bear @ August 10 2008, 10:34 PM BST

It's being renovated at present - pop in and have a look if you're nearby.

Are you rich? Can I be your new friend?

You own a flat in London Bridge your not renting out for huge inner London wads?

You are Alan Sugar and Carlos the Jackal and I claim my 5 dollars.

Just to change the subject, ;) ,Isaac Hayes has died.

Does his appearance in South Park qualify him to be on here?

He's got his own plot.