Where is ian_w? Page 9

Quote: Finck @ August 22 2008, 8:17 PM BST

Good idea! Who of us is without restraining order?

ian_w is the only one without one as far as I know...which isn't a lot of help...

Quote: Charisma @ August 22 2008, 8:24 PM BST

ian_w is the only one without one as far as I know...which isn't a lot of help...


We could still ask Stuart to make his next project "I've seen ian_w!", though.
Thereby we can use innocent people around the world for our stalking purposes. Muhahahahaaaa!

He's probably on holiday. And he didn't even send a post card *grumble*

Yeah, but TWO holidays? Doesn't that sound a little weird to you?

Shit, I forgot, I entered him for 'How to Look Good Naked'. He's probably off filming that now.

He could have said something. Especially after what happened the last time he disappeared.

He's either dead, deadly injured or a f**king attention whore!

I'd place a bet on the last one.

A whore you say? Let's all chip in 50p for him to bum Azza.

Quote: Simon Stratton @ August 22 2008, 8:56 PM BST

A whore you say? Let's all chip in 50p for him to bum Azza.

Do you think the sound of collecting money in a hat might lure him back? It's worth a try.

Quote: Charisma @ August 22 2008, 6:40 PM BST

Is it deeply offensive and wrong to make some joke about the holocaust as an explanation for his absence?


Quote: Finck @ August 22 2008, 8:29 PM BST

We could still ask Stuart to make his next project "I've seen ian_w!", though.


Quote: Simon Stratton @ August 22 2008, 8:56 PM BST

A whore you say? Let's all chip in 50p for him to bum Azza.

*goes to the bank and withdraws life savings*

Quote: Aaron @ August 22 2008, 10:19 PM BST


Stuart Laws?

Oh, you can't possibly know him. He lives in Critique and you never go there, do you?.


Quote: Aaron @ August 22 2008, 10:19 PM BST



*goes to the bank and withdraws life savings*

I don't think he'll do much for 20p.

Quote: Simon Stratton @ August 22 2008, 10:29 PM BST

I don't think he'll do much for 20p.

I think he will.

Given that i write with Ian, i've not heard from him since Monday, that's not like Ian, he's usually on skype everyday, not answering his mobile either.

Ok! Who's killed him? You can tell me i won't say anything ;)

Quote: Ray Dawson @ August 22 2008, 10:34 PM BST

Ok! Who's killed him? You can tell me i won't say anything ;)

I have an alibi!


Quote: Ray Dawson @ August 22 2008, 10:34 PM BST

Ok! Who's killed him? You can tell me i won't say anything ;)

Me! I did it! I did it!

He better not be dead 'cos that'll look bloody suspicious.