Good Idea At The Time Page 3

I used nail varnish. (how would proper paint work?)

Much in the same way - but probably take a bit longer to dry! :D

I desperately fancied this girl at school and I'd heard that she liked Duran Duran, so I thought it'd be a good idea to manoeuvre myself directly behind her in the dinner queue, and start whistling 'Girls On Film' which was in the charts at the time, thus she would realise we were kindred spirits and fall in love with me.

I got myself behind her and waited for her to stop talking to her mate, before launching into the chorus like some sort of New Romantic canary.

She turned around.

My heart pounded.

She looked straight into my eyes.

I melted.

And then she said "Do you mind not whistling please, your breath f**king stinks."

Ou. ch.

Quote: Aaron @ April 1 2008, 10:49 PM BST

Ou. ch.

Indeed. I'm still emotionally scarred.

Good idea at the time-eating Krispy Kremes...but then being late leaving for UCAS because of them, and having to run. yuck!

Those things are vile!

It was lovely :) had cinammon on it and everything!

But but but ... STICKY!

They're amazing! They don't beat normal, English doughnuts though; not in a million years!

English have their own doughnuts? I thought there was a Crumpet only policy.

Can anyone here remember the last time they had a crumpet?


hehe the literal kind, on Monday!

Last week, they are fantastic.

Wow. I am shocked.