I'm leaving BSG




Has she kicked you out?

Big Smelly Guffs?

And I'm not sure that I ever would.

I meant the wife.

Quote: frostyboy @ March 4, 2008, 10:52 PM

No, Aaron hasn't banned me.


wassup Frostyboy? Tell Leevil all he's a people person.

What precisely pushed you over the line of no return?

Oh, okay.

Not sure what Roald Dahl would say about it though.

Of course leaving BSG may be your first step into the real World!

Don't do it!!!!!!

Well, just be yourself then.
I like you when you're not being a pervert! And even when you are sometimes.

You could just return under a new pseudonym? No one would suspect that.

Otherwise forums are always full of silliness, absence of body language, and tone of voice leads to silliness.

Quote: frostyboy @ March 4, 2008, 11:15 PM

Certain Most people here have said some very c**tish things about me in recent weeks, and I've grown tired of it. Also, I've become typecast as a horny sex pervert, however this is nothing but an online persona which has somehow developed recently.

I thought you were a 58 year old male cross-dressing trucker from Basingstoke.. is that NOT the case then? :O

Quote: frostyboy @ March 4, 2008, 11:15 PM

I've become typecast as a horny sex pervert, however this is nothing but an online persona which has somehow developed recently.

No only you have done that, with a signature like "resident pervert" and numerous sex-related threads. You are more of an "attention seeker".

Quote: garyd @ March 4, 2008, 10:58 PM

Oh, okay.

Not sure what Roald Dahl would say about it though.

What happened at the end of the BFG? Did the little girl and the giant live happily ever after?