What situations haven't been 'sitcomed' yet? Page 2

Quote: Charley @ January 11, 2008, 3:59 PM

My vagina sweating furiously from hours of action!

:O but hubby doesn't get home from work 'til 6!

Quote: Rob B @ January 11, 2008, 3:49 PM

180' - The sitcom that looks at the glam world of international darts

I'm working on that. Having played for over twenty years i couldn't ignore it.
Pipes - New ITV sitcom based on a Colonic Irrigation company in Penzance

Solstice - A hysterically look into the life of a group of druids

Quote: Godot Taxis @ January 11, 2008, 3:17 PM

I've never seen a sitcom set on an oil rig in the north sea.

That would be fairly good but there was a comedy drama series by Keiran Prendeville (ex-Esther Rantzen sidekick from That's Life) in the nineties call Roughnecks that was set there.

I liked it but I think it fizzled out after one or possibly two series.

I cannot beleive everyone is over looking unbaptised babies in purgatory.

I fear the dialogue would be gurgle heavy.

"Hey Geoff, I think you may be next in line to have your eternal fate decided?"
"F**k off, Martin, you've done this before."
"No, honestly."
"Geoff, I wasn't born yesterday."
Unbaptised babies in purgatory was filmed in front of a live studio audience.

How about a sitcom based on a murderer & all the different funny ways he kills his victims?

...then rapes and eats them?

Quote: Charles E. Lawley @ January 11, 2008, 5:05 PM

I cannot beleive everyone is over looking unbaptised babies in purgatory.

Give it time... they are

Quote: Charles E. Lawley @ January 11, 2008, 5:17 PM

"Hey Geoff, I think you may be next in line to have your eternal fate decided?"
"F**k off, Martin, you've done this before."
"No, honestly."
"Geoff, I wasn't born yesterday."
Unbaptised babies in purgatory was filmed in front of a live studio audience.


Little Tarquin it's your lucky day. You've been selected to be baptised and you know what that means don't you? You're outta here kid!

Tell you what Deity me old mucker, I'll just hang around here if that's OK




"How did you get here?"
"I was sat on my dad's chopper then it all went black!"
"You died in a Harley Davidson accident too?"

"Hey Clive, it's rubbish being an unbaptised baby in purgatory isn't it?"
*A cheer for the name of the show*
"No, I've been baptisied."
"Well how come you're here?"
"Oh, I'm of the beleif that blacks are sub-human."
*Awkward silence as casting director is fired.*

You know when American sitcoms have cross-over shows. (Cosby Show/Different World. Everybody Loves Raymond/King Of Queens)

Well unbaptised babies and the Paedophile ring idea could do one of those shows!

I'd watch.

How about one involving a group of twenty somethings who share a house, and struggle looking for love?

Quote: charisma @ January 11, 2008, 6:07 PM

How about one involving a group of twenty somethings who share a house, and struggle looking for love?

This isn't a new idea. There was a mexican comedy like this in the 70's