Miss Ellie has broken her ankle. Page 4

She can make a fist and use it in a different way, I don't mind. ;)

But seriously Ellie, that sucks. Are you really that bed-ridden?


Quote: Leevil @ December 13, 2007, 4:23 PM

She can make a fist and use it in a different way, I don't mind. ;)

But seriously Ellie, that sucks. Are you really that bed-ridden?

:O too!

And yer, I'm rubbish and my leg is so painful it hurts when I move it. Should be better in a week or so!

Yeah just wait for the swelling to go down... oh we're talking about your leg?

Your head more like Leevil!!!!

Quote: EllieJP @ December 13, 2007, 4:03 PM

I just want to vent my anger at this whole situation! I can't even go to the Christmas party that I organised! I am so damn annoyed, fed up, frustrated and angry! ARGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Whats the problem? Don't you usually end up legless at the Christmas Party anyway :P

Ho ho ho.

I can't believe you even laughed...let alone a Christmas laugh Aaron! DISGRACEFUL!

Sorry to hear about the ankle! Hope you feel better soon :)

Thanks Quentin...only 6 more weeks before I can play rugby again! :)

Take it easy, hope you are mobile again soon.

6 weeks! My goodness! How did you do it? Rugby? My mum broke hers a few years ago falling off the toilet, drunk-oh the shame! Q!

Yep, playing rugby! Went over on my ankle...nasty crack!

Thanks Nigel too!

At this point, though I cannot offer a consolation prize, I extend my heartfelt wishes of a swift recovery.

I think wordy replies often seem to lack sincerity. This is not the case!
