The New...

We've all heard the phrase Brown is the new black so can you think of anything else which is the new...

e.g. Heroes is the new Lost, Chavs are the new oiks, Birds are the new dinosaurs etc.

If the thread is successful we should sell the format to Jimmy Carr :D

Bob is the Newhart?
Gary is the Numan?

I haven't got the hang of this. :P

Er ... In is the new out?

Still haven't.

Embarrassment is the new funny.

That Smirnoff ad about making all the Smirnoffs pure is the new Nazism

Crap is the new bollocks!

Aaron, bollocks has no asterisks!

carling adverts are the new guiness adverts (have you seen the last one - genius)

Quote: Wildjesusfishkid @ December 5, 2007, 12:15 PM

Aaron, bollocks has no asterisks!

I'd be rather worried if they did.

Racists, or rather people who are accused of being racist, are the new witches.

No, we won't reform and do a world tour is the new - Yes, we will reform and do a world tour

EXs are the new spouses

Old is the old new (actually that's vaguely philosophical!)

Quote: Blenkinsop @ December 5, 2007, 2:28 PM

No, we won't reform and do a world tour is the new - Yes, we will reform and do a world tour

Laughing out loud

Text is the new sex. Well according to the ads they keep showing late at night

Laziness is the new busy.

Nizzle is the new er well you know erm... inpolite term for those of... crap can't say that either. The old brown :D We've come full circle, people usually have to pay to see things like that.

Mohammed is the new Rupert :O