How are we today? Page 2

Woo, aren't we having fun :D

Anyway dude, get well soon, I'll put extra newspaper in the shoebox, I'm off to catch some zee's and rename them zeds, cos I iz british innit?

Didn't you just have man flu? You really need to look after yourself properly. Perhaps you should disinfect the shoebox. I'll send a hot water bottle and some fluffy slippers to make you feel better. Pink and orange ok?

Quote: dannyjb1 @ October 2, 2007, 4:20 AM

Well it's 4:16 I've slept about 20 mins all night, feel really cold and got splitting headache, but on the plus side haven't actually vomitted beyonf the first time.

AND I'm on holiday from work. :( Sick

i woke up at about 4 in the morning with a splitting headache as well. i think the government put something in the water.

Quote: johnny roulette @ October 2, 2007, 10:14 AM

i woke up at about 4 in the morning with a splitting headache as well. i think the government put something in the water.

oh dear, that's how it starts. You'll be saving your p*ss in milk bottles next

do you do that as well? i've got loads. jars with belly button fluff, boxes of day, people will look back and think it was weird.

I don't piss anymore, run out of jars.. Teary

Why not donate it to the hospital for urine transfusions?

Quote: Frankie Rage @ October 2, 2007, 12:14 PM

I don't piss anymore, run out of jars.. Teary

Make the door a jar.

How am I supposed to know how you all are?

Make it up.

Lee is.... Itchy Today
Ellie is.... Also Itchy
Jude is probably happy drinking Merlot

uhhhh who Else

Dave is Chipper

Itchy... i'm not itchy! How rude!? lol

I am pretty well after my second day of work although slightly tired.

Quote: EllieJP @ October 2, 2007, 8:26 PM

Itchy... i'm not itchy! How rude!? lol

I am pretty well after my second day of work although slightly tired.

And so you bloody well should be after those 18 appointments I got for you.

Thanks much do i owe you!?


What are you now?! His accountant?! His lawyer...

Stay out of it unless you're paying!
