Good Morning/Hello Page 10

Good morning(ish) 11:37am here and the heating on already, only because my little JR was shivering.


good morning

G'day John R Sheehan


Gd Morning strumpet

Here's me again (alone) in the early hours. :(

Lord Elpus, How are you this bright and sunny morning?

Morning George.
Lady Strumpet

Just finishing a bottle of Fuller's ESB before turning in for the night.

Quote: DaButt @ 23rd July 2015, 6:27 AM BST

Just finishing a bottle of Fuller's ESB before turning in for the night.

Night Night DaButt sweet dreams..


Quote: Strumpet @ 23rd July 2015, 5:27 AM BST

Lord Elpus, How are you this bright and sunny morning?

Morning George.
Lady Strumpet

Up again, if you'll excuse the expression, Lady S -'spect you're in bed now. :P

I am only 8+GMT, so its around 2:50 in the arvo.


Morning Lady S - having a mid morning coffee?

Morning Lord Elpus, Just about to have a cup of tea, Do you fancy one?

Lady Strumpet

Well thank you, but am now going back to bed. Night Night, or in your case Morning Morning.

Here's me again in the early hours, and it is STILL raining! Earlier on in the evening it absolutely bucketed down. Have never seen such a heavy consistent downfall, just as I went out to get the fish and chips, as is my want on Friday night. Had to take the car and still got bloody soaked!

Just me again...........not even Lady S on here. :(