I'll Show You Mine....

I ve Met with some proper Actor Friends of Mine a couple of Times, to Record some of my Sketches in another Friends Studio (Look at me! -with my actual, like "Friends").

- But it felt too early, The Sketches were'nt anywhere near ready. I ve got a Few days to concentrate on writing Stuff, döes anyone Else have Time/ Energy/ material to Share, to go through Sketches line by line? Ask "what does this mean?", "what are you trying to get at here?" And what is it reasonable to expect People to already know? I Wrote a Sketch about The Bronte Sisters, I thought I was on Fairly Safe ground, expecting People to know that they were Writers who Wrote Things and Then died and were Sisters. I was wrong.

It might be Fun and very useful to go deeper into The Process of writing, explaining and defending material with other People Doing The Same (without Having to fork out Piles of Cash) . Being in Germany I can't go to Classes or Join real life groups ( I think it explains my Troubles with my Caps Lock too).

All material obviously Stays Belonging solely to The original writer.

I'll Put up a Sketch tomorrow, Please Feel Free to do The Same.

I'd be up for it (for a small number of short sketches, anyway).

Your best might be to upload a document one some shared drive thingy that we can all annotate, as I'm not sure this forum would be the best place ot do such close reading.

Oh, and step away from the caps key, partner. Laughing out loud

I'm in. :D

Hi all,

So I have uploaded some stuff onto Googledoc
Hopefully this link works


Let me know if it doesn't work

Hey Darren

Link is working! and I have read it. Just not had a chance to get back to you on it.

In short though, If I'm honest I don't think the idea is original enough and it doesn't really tickle my funny bone. I think all of your submissions thus far in the skit competition have been better.

I'll post something for you to shred shortly! :-D


Bat something back in my direction and we ll see if we can get something constructive going ...

paste into critique and I might offer feedback

I wish I had Ti, -It's our Footballers "Secret Mistresses And Boyfriends" S.M.A.B.S.
We're not interested in those dreary ex-models and part time lingerie designers...
We wanna know who they've got chained up in a coke-fuelled haze, in the dungeon of their 2oo acre, sectet love-nest retreat in the Cheshire countryside...
Who have they got dangling over the Alderly Edge?

Quiet Applause as a Chinese dwarf man hobbles in

Err, this is, my friend. Thanks Zhang.

Zhang walks off uncomfortably to no applause

Sorry, I thought you meant we should invite our Small Minority Ass Bitch's.

Thanks Mickey 88...
Got me thinking of more variations too...