What are you watching on TV? Page 15

Quote: Cinnamon @ October 25, 2007, 3:33 PM

And what's the lowest, a Sex Serf?

Frenchman, surely?

Currently watching The Kenny Everett Television Show. Brilliant! :D

I'm sort of watching that Half Broken Things on ITV but not very gripping.

Before that though I watched "Strange" on Scifi which apparently was made in 2003. I don't remember anything about it from that time. Was it BBC or ITV?

Anyway - it was very good - well made. Not perfect but a good hour.

Nothing But... Bottom.


Al Murray on Paramount

Long Way Down!
Ewan and Charley on motorbikes for 3 months growing progressively hairier and more tanned.

Quote: zooo @ October 29, 2007, 12:24 AM

Long Way Down!
Ewan and Charley on motorbikes for 3 months growing progressively hairier and more tanned.

Sounds reeeaaallly exciting! Yawn.

I am blowing a raspberry at you. Just so you know.

Im watching a programme about food...its making me far too hungry for my own good

Newsround - it has startlingly eloquent viewers letters debating various issues.

"It's good."

"It's bad."

"I liked that."

"That would make me sad."

If this is what kids are given as entertainment it's no wonder they get into school shootings.

Doc Martin. Need my weekly fix of Caroline Catz.

Pushing Daisies, new US comedy about a guy that touches dead things and they come back to life. Very Tim Burtonish.

Quote: oroboross @ November 1, 2007, 8:09 PM

Pushing Daisies, new US comedy about a guy that touches dead things and they come back to life. Very Tim Burtonish.

Do you think the series will have to touch itself or is it looking promising?

I'm about to watch HIGNFY cos I can't sleep :(

A whole season of Frasier is on this weekend :D yay!

And loads of Victoria Woods on UKTV Gold.

Just saw the Soup sketch which is still brilliant even though you know exactly what is going to happen.