How has the year 2012 treated you?

Nearly the year end so maybe it's time to reflect on the last 12 months.
Have they been good, bad or indifferent for you.

I achieved two goals, well one of them I am still achieving but I did better than I thought.

One, my weight had slowly crept up over the last ten years. The result of getting older, a sedate job and lack of exercise. So as many do for a New Years resolution, I went on a diet.
No fancy shmancy F Plan or anything - just a plain maths calculation. Calories in V calories burned. I am more than 5 stone lighter than this time last year.
(was over 20 stone - nearing 21) My avitar is from about 6 months ago so my face is thinner now :)

Two, I faced my worst demon and went to the dentist to have my teeth fixed. I had/have a proper pathological fear of dentists. (it took 3 trips to get me to sit in the chair)

So despite the downturn in the economy and all the miserable news on TV, I am marking 2012 as a good year.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ December 18 2012, 9:26 AM GMT

My avitar is from about 6 months ago so my face is thinner now :)

So that is really you on that picture? I thought it was a pornstar or something. ;)

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ December 18 2012, 9:26 AM GMT

Two, I faced my worst demon and went to the dentist to have my teeth fixed. I had/have a proper pathological fear of dentists. (it took 3 trips to get me to sit in the chair)

I know exactly what you mean.

My year 2012 was definitely better than 2011 (which was one of the biggest lows in my life) and that makes me a really lucky man.

I taught myself how to swim. I was terrified of swimming pools as a kid, that chlorine smell used to make me want to vomit and the thought of being out of my depth made me panic. But I decided to conquer my fear and now I love swimming.

It's amazing what you can learn on YouTube!

It started badly. Got good. Then ended quite badly again.

Awe, yay, then awe again. Can you elaborate?

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ December 18 2012, 10:34 AM GMT

Can you elaborate?

No. :P

Parts have been an utter pile of festering poo. And other parts okay.
Lucky for me I'm an optimist. Next year will hopefully be a bit better.

Quote: zooo @ December 18 2012, 11:06 AM GMT

Lucky for me I'm an optimist. Next year will hopefully be a bit better.

Fat chance, the world is going to end on Friday.

Then next year will definitely be better!

Quote: zooo @ December 18 2012, 11:10 AM GMT

Then next year will definitely be better!

You mean Armageddon is better than what happened to you this year?

Might be, haven't experienced armageddon to judge. ;)

Better than 2011, not as good as 2013.

Running to stand still would be the best way of summarising the year for me. Put loads of effort into different things and received the same outcome as if I'd done nothing at all.

Like zooo, I'm a bit of an optimist, so hoping 2013 will go more my way.

Not the best of years.Some issues I had have been laid to rest, some have come more clearly into focus. Still everyone is well and overall it had some good times. I still battle with depression, which I have for many many years, but I too am optimistic and hope 2013 will be a good year for not just me but everyone. It does worry me the increase in people living rough and people suffering from poverty in the eighth richest country in the world, I worry for my kids future, but as long as they are happy I am happy.

Personally, all fine and dandy. Professionally, not as well as I'd hoped, but finishing on a mini-high to take into the new year.