Phillip Madoc dies Page 2

:( He was in THAT Dad's Army episode :)
And I don't vant soggy chips. Zey must be crisp unt light brown.

If I say you'll have soggy chips you'll have soggy chips!

Take his name.
Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

One wrong move...and I pull the string...

What a classic episode. They only met the Germans in four episodes, and this one was the best.

Oh I don't know about that; Morbius succeeded in being both terrifying and unintentionally hilarious.

My mom really fancied him. And she hates the Welsh.

Quote: chipolata @ March 6 2012, 10:33 AM GMT

My mom really fancied him. And she hates the Welsh.

That's alright. He's more well known for playing a German...

And a lot of police officers apparently (Dammon Anders, Det Chief Inspector Tate, DCI Noel Bain and so on)

In Zina he was Léon Trotsky

Quote: New Puritan @ March 5 2012, 11:07 PM GMT

Huh? Is there any other kind?

Nooooo, they've got the sheep ain't they?

Sorry I'm late with my RIP for him - I'm a Newbie you know.