Your writing style?

Dveloping David Chapman's idea, how would we describe our own writing style? Once we've done this, it might be a good idea to try to describe each others' (positively of course!)

Erm! I dont know mine. Filthy.

You're spontaneous, irreverent; domestic, truthful, autobiographical (maybe!)profane.


No seriously I'm a complainer thats all really I just moan about stuff :D


Awww! Fankoo Fred. That will do me.

I'd say I try to be original, clever and funny. If it ain't all three then I abandon it. Although having said that I do stuff on anal sex and the royal family thus prooving, if there was any doubt, that i'm deluded. My 16 inch penis agrees with me.

You're provocative ajp (in a good way!)

I dunno - all sorts of things although to be fair you haven't seen a lot of my output.

Just a lot of my stupid remarks which I usually type before I think.

I am actually writing several short straight(ish) plays.

Quote: ajp29 @ June 11, 2007, 10:00 PM

My 16 inch penis...

It's a cross many of us have to bare...

You have a talking penis?

Of sorts. Errr

Quote: Fred Peters @ June 11, 2007, 10:42 PM

You have a talking penis?

It sings actually.

Any specialities? New York, New York perhaps? Or Big Spender? Maybe Singin' in the Rain?

Me? Lazy writer.