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Someone put all the Buffy characters in order from worst to best.

Some of them have made me fuuuurious. But some are correct.

It's January 10 and I have not seen a Bulgarian yet. To be fair, I've only been in Bulgaria for three days.

Anyone who has done long haul flights who did you fly with and what did you think of them? Am planning on going to London soon but don't want to fly with same airline as last time if possible.
particularly interested if the flight was UK- Aus and also if something went wrong, how the staff dealt with it.

Quote: zooo @ 10th January 2014, 12:53 PM GMT

Someone put all the Buffy characters in order from worst to best.

Some of them have made me fuuuurious. But some are correct.

Buffy <3

I like Willow but no way should she be above Spike!

Spike should definitely be number 1. But Xander should be much nearer the top! And how are they putting Faith above flipping Buffy. Stoopid.

Yeah, the Faith one is the worst of all :S
Utterly ridiculous. It's Buffy's flippin show just for starters...

Quote: Oldrocker @ 10th January 2014, 10:41 PM GMT

It's January 10 and I have not seen a Bulgarian yet. To be fair, I've only been in Bulgaria for three days.

There you go, mate!



Although there are some new dialects in Asda.

This betting thing is getting really silly now.

I've posted before (though I can't remember where) about my mate Steve Evans and his battle with cancer.

Last night that battle ended.


Sorry to hear that. Console

Quote: zooo @ 11th January 2014, 11:04 PM GMT

And how are they putting Faith above flipping Buffy. Stoopid.

It may just be the actress, but whenever I watched the show I did find Buffy annoying.

Aw, I liked Buffy.


Sorry, Oldrocker. :(

Quote: Oldrocker @ 17th January 2014, 1:26 AM GMT

I've posted before (though I can't remember where) about my mate Steve Evans and his battle with cancer.

Last night that battle ended.


Big piece on Midlands Today last night.
Quite a geezer, it would seem

Yeah, saw that.

Steve had many friends in the entertainment industry, Jimmy Carr, John Bishop etc and it made for a nice story when he was in hospital once.

The nurse brought the phone to him saying 'There's someone on the phone for you. Insists his name is Ken Dodd.' To which Steve answered ' That's because it is Ken Dodd!'
