Laughing Stock 2011 Page 22

Dan, having emailed Writersroom, will you let us know how they respond?

52. At 10:58am on 17 Mar 2011, Fiona wrote:
Hi all,

Unfortunately we are not able to list the scripts which have made it through to the next stage.

To clarify, 10% of the scripts submitted (around 180) have made it through to the next round of Laughing Stock. These scripts will have a second read by a member of the BBC writersroom team and/or BBC Comedy team. Once they've been read - 25 people will be invited to attend a masterclass on April 4th or 5th (tbc). We hope to be in touch with those who have made it through by the end of March. Following the masterclass, up to ten writers will be selected by the judges to take part in a week long writers' residential workshop in June.

At the moment we are dealing with a huge volume of emails in our inbox regarding Laughing Stock, as well as continuing to run our unsolicited system and the various other schemes we're involved with. A large number of scripts that we received did not include any contact email address and we have spent a considerable amount of time chasing these up.

If you received an initial email confirming that we received your script but haven't heard anything further - please email us on - we will respond to every email. At this point, we have successfully made contact with everyone who has been selected to go through to the next round.


Quote: Skinny Agnus @ March 17 2011, 2:09 PM GMT

Dan, having emailed Writersroom, will you let us know how they respond?

Fairly generically, but at least I have closure and resume Biscuiteers Anonymous...

Quote: Writers Room

Dear <your name>,

Thanks for your email.

We did receive your script <insert script name> - it was given a reference number of <your failure ref.>.

Our readers enjoyed so many of the submissions but only a handful could be put through to the next stage of the competition.

I'm afraid, on this occasion, your script will not be considered any further.

Unfortunately due to the volume of entries we cannot enter into any further discussion about your script but we wish you all the best with your future writing.

Best wishes,

BBC Writersroom

No mention if mine was one of the so many enjoyed, but I'm glad they had a good time nonetheless.


I'm in. Delighted. Obviously.

Too busy to keep track of who's made it and who hasn't, but congratulations/commiserations where applicable.

Regards to all

You're in? You mean you're in the final 25 winners or in the final 10% next round thingy?

I'm in the top 10%.

Oh, thank God. I think I broke yahoo mail hitting my refresh button so many times.

They did say they would let people know in the last week of March so we don't have long to wait now.

(Having watched a few more episodes of Mrs Brown's Boys I would like to withdraw my earlier statement that it was a guilty pleasure of mine - I was giving it too much credit in an ironic way but having just watched the last two episodes I can actually see that it IS like something form the 70s but with cursing - I apologise unreservedly for this lapse)

Erm... Hi! I was one of the lucky few left in limbo over my Laughing Stock entry the week before last and I kinda snapped and started a blog inspired by this experience and many more like it as an aspiring writer. I spent many an hour staring hopefully at this forum for news and really related to so much of the stuff being said, so I figured this would be a good place to tell folks such as yourself about it. So if you fancy a look it's here:

A x

[Shuffles off from whence she came...]

I can't believe I forgot to put my email address on my Laughing Stock entry, what a doughnut!!

Tweet from BBCWritersRoom on Tuesday said: "Sorry for the wait. We're hoping to let everyone know about Laughing Stock by the end of this week."

So today could be the day........!

Crikey... I knew end of March was floated... maybe the emails have gone out already. Although the 10% was late in the day...

Yes.....although at this stage I suppose they could be ringing people or sending out letters...

I feel sick.

I have decided to not use the green 'I feel sick' smilie face. I'm working on self editing. Oh.

Well, I feel fine. Because I'm not in the top 10%.

How do you like them apples, all you who are on edge right now!? :P


Quote: swerytd @ March 25 2011, 2:38 PM GMT

Well, I feel fine. Because I'm not in the top 10%.

How do you like them apples, all you who are on edge right now!? :P


Biscuits of the world rejoice